Chapter Twenty: Tag! Who's it?

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A world to be explored to a person. Sometimes its better when you're with somebody. 

People say you can see something a thousand times but its be wonderful when you are accompanied by someone close.

Never knowing what waits around that corner, how exciting it will be for our main characters! The mystery awaits!


Prussia's POV:

Our third day in Berlin, This time I have something special in mind. After yesterday's fiasco now it the perfect time. 

I held birdie's hand gently as we walked along that path. Little did he know of the awesome surprise I had for him. I just know that he'll absolutely love it!

However for the time being I wanted to show Matthew around Viktoriapark. Looking at the lovely sights and small little things here and there. 

Suddenly Matthew  yanked my arm, dragging me off in another direction. 

"Gilbear look! Ice cream!!", Matthew squealed out.

If there's one thing Birdie loves more than Pancakes.... its Ice cream....

The small ice cream vendor thankfully didn't have many people crowding around them. Mostly because it wasn't the warmest weather today. regardless Mattie and I each get an Ice cream. I got a scoop of Maple flavored ice cream while Mattie got a scoop of Moose tracks. 

But I gladly shared some of my ice cream with birdie as he did with his.

Now with ice cream we walk the rest of the way to my surprise. 

"Now zhis birdie is zhe most awesome zhing here in zhe vhole park." I pointed toward a monument that stood tall a proudly. The monument was the Prussian National Monument. 

"Zhis vas made many many year ago, built in honor of zhe awesome Prussian vho fought for the liberation of our people. Just knowing zhat it still holds a special place here for the people of mein little bruder makes me awesomely happy. Like I still exist to the world."

I stare at the statue with a prideful feeling burning inside of me. I stood in silence for a few solitaire moments awaiting to hear what Matthew had to say. I got me a bit nervous before he finally responded. 

"Gilbert... this is amazing. I've only been a true nation for aboot 500 years... you been through a much longer time and have so many amazing effects in history. Although you might not be able to make the same effects now you still do amazing things." Matthew looked towards me with sincerity in his eyes. I'm so lucky to have been matched up with him. 

We hung around the monument for awhile, just sitting and eating what was left of our ice cream as all sorts of people walked by at random. A few tourist passing with their cameras flashing almost made me laugh because in the time I've been alive I've seen a lot and never really had the thrill of taking tourist photos. Maybe Birdie and I should try that one day, perhaps at Alfred's place to be an annoyance to him for once.

After a while we resume our previous action and just aimlessly throughout the park. Just casually talking about random little things here and there.

"I'm tell I think Dwight and Angela would just be perfect for each other they just need to get past it get back together!" Matthew was ranting on about some of the character relationships from The Office. We managed to get through a lot of the episodes and we're planning on watching the UK version soon. Mattie thought it would be wonderful to just casually compare Arthur's and Alfred's version of The Office. 

"Ja, Dwight clear has a strong love for her, But jou know zhat zhey can't just kiss und get back zogether. Jou know vho is gonna be a problem."

"But he's gay so it'll be fine!! well its technically not fine but still! If he has an affair its only fair Angela gets to be with who she really loves."

"Maybe so Birdie but its all vhether Oscar plays his cards right. Now look at a better scenario Jim needs zo square up."

"He needs to do more than square up. He needs to make up the world to Pam, they're the one good thing that exist in The Office and i can't loose that."

 "I swear zhey are so immature..."

"I mean.. we aren't any better..." Birdie and I look at each other before he hits my arm before running off yelling, "NOT IT!!"

It took me a moment before I realized he tagged me and I was it. No way I'm going to lose! I ran after him trying my best to catch up, not caring about the disapproving stares from people that two adults were playing tag. 

I soon caught up and tagged his back before turning around and bolting off. Quickly Mattie lost track of where I was so I took shelter behind a near by tree. Snickering to myself I peer out from my spot to see whether Birdie was near by or not. My eyes scanned the area before I caught sight of someone. 

I froze in place, all other concerns and thoughts left. Part of me wanted to go up and start a fight but, the other half told me to get out of there asap. I can't believe out of everyone that could be here it was him, on top of it he hasn't even realized I saw him. How could he just be here?! Not even to mention the fact that he is stalking Canada, He is stalking My Husband! Mein Gott, what I'd give to punch him in the face. 

Focus Gilbert!! I should get Matthew out of here, no way I'm going just let him keep watching us. I'm not going to let Matthew just stand there in danger. 

I stood up and carefully came out from my spot. Just enough to be visible but leaving Cuba ignorant to being seen. Thankfully Mattie spotted me unknowing of what was going on. He shone a big smile and ran towards me, we're technically still in a game of tag so I ran the opposite direction. Leading him away from Cuba and towards the park entrance. I didn't need to make it all the way to the gate but far enough so we can get out with out worrying Matthew. 

Running faster i push my self to keep running. Before I knew it I was practically at the gate. I think it's safe to say we're far enough. Because of that I began to slow down, wheezing a bit from the loss of breath. Matthew caught up to me in a matter of seconds tapping my back but not running off. 

"Wow, You must be really determined to win a game of tag, eh?", Matthew huffed out catching his breath as well. 

I try to keep my words as steady as possible," Yeah... I am." He doesn't need to worry, not now.

"Gilbear? It looks like we're practically at the same gate we entered, you want to start heading back?" He pointed towards the end of the path. Even though he unaware of whats going on he still can probably tell I wanted to go back .

"Ja. But Birdie just know, zoday vas awesome." I give him a small peck on the nose and hold his hand. 

His face lit up with a light blush and heart filled smile. "It was Awesome, Viktoriapark is great place."

"It always is."

We walk down the road hand in hand. I wanted to hide my fear however, Luigi should know of this as soon as I get back. Repeating in my head over and over,'Calm down Gilbert, Everything will be fine.'

I just hope things will be okay. 

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