Chapter Twenty-one: Sharp Changes

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How lovely it is for us. love fills the air and everything is a peace. 

However, Things can't always stay like this. Some can say its the calm before the storm. And we all know happily ever afters don't exist.

Even in a story like this....


Third POV:

He was here in Berlin, with Prussia and Canada. Prussia knew and Canada was in bliss. It has been two days since the day at Viktoriapark, Prussia has done what he could to keep he and Canada safe from that monster. He had been sure to alert Germany of this as well, In fact today Germany was meeting with his boss to discuss this issue. 

So while trying to shake the nerve Prussia decided to do something real fun. He'd built a small snow fort and made a few snowballs before calling out for Canada to walk outside.  Then, upon walking outside Canada was nailed straight in the face with a snowball. Makes sense given he wasn't prepared for a snowball to the face. 
The poor Canadian almost had flashbacks to the time he and America had played a game of catch. 

Canada whipped the freezing snow from his face with a solemn expression that was almost slapped on. Being hit directly with snowball like this isn't the most pleasant thing ever.

Then with strong determination Canada ran at Prussia, Tackling him to the ground with no remorse. Taking a small pile of snow and throwing it in his face. It was like an act of revenge. "Ha! Now we're even!", Canada claimed with confidence.

Prussia smirked,"Not quiet..." As he finished his statement he pushed Canada over to his back, Pinning his Husband to the ground reversing the roles they has just been in a moment ago. A cocky grin plastered the prussians face before realizing that he was pinning his husband to the ground and their faces were barely and inch  apart. 

Both of them began to blush, not from the cold snowy ground but this moment could be described as... Incredibly sexually gay.

"G-Gilbert..." Canada whispered out softly. Barely even an inch apart and yet getting closer. Then Prussia's face meet with a handful of snow shoved into his face thanks to the Canadian. Canada laughed as loud as his voice could take him as he got up from under the snow covered Prussian. 

"Oh! Now you've asked for war!"

"Bring it Gilly!!"

Both scrambled to opposite sides of the yard. Throwing snowballs back and forth, not wanting to lose. Overall the little snow war was cute and silly. So after countless snowballs launched back and forth, Our victor of the mini snow war was the beloved Canadian. That gigantic snow bomb tossed landed on Prussia causing him to admit defeat. 
Barely even a moment after the Canadian's initial victory they both laughed as Canada helped him up from the ground. As their laughter died down the Prussian pulled his husband into an embrace. Holding each other close, it was apparent that they're two part of a whole. Prussia finally leaned into for a kiss. It was short, sweet, and it was absolutely perfect.

Suddenly the Prussian was knocked to the side, hit with some flying projectile.

He rubbed his head and the two looked to see whom threw what turned out to be a rock. As it turns out it would be who Prussia hope not to see. The color drained from Canada's face, not wanting to believe it was true. 

There stood Cuba burning with raged and a knife in hand......

He was nothing but pissed. Wanted nothing more then the demise of that Prussian bastard. 

This was too be feared. Normally a nation can take a stab with a knife and be fine. They're immortal! However, Prussia is weak. He represents the eastern half of Germany, its the only thing keeping him alive. If he were to be killed Germany would be the personification of the country as a whole. So it wouldn't take much to rid of the albino nation.

Prussia, whom is well aware of his issue, protects Canada. Determination filled his eyes, blocking the fear, regret and pain bubbling at the back of his throat. It was more than obvious Cuba wasn't here to be nice. They needed help, and fast.

"Matthew...Go, Get out of here and get help. I'll stop him."


"JUST GO! Get Mein brother or anybody!"

 Canada took a step back, he didn't want to leave Prussia alone with Cuba. He did understand how serious Prussia was, Canada has to push past the urge to sock Cuba in the face and get out of there. 

As Canada turned around and took off Cuba's eyes followed his movements but, his body stayed in place. There was a certain Prussian he had to deal with first. 

A sickening smirk grew itself on the Cuban nation's face. The opportunity couldn't be anymore clear for him.  "NOW I'LL GET RID OF YOU! AND I CAN FINALLY HAVE MY MATTHEW ALL TO MYSELF!!" he yelled before running at the Prussian. 

Prussia was ready to take whatever was coming. He had to do whatever he could to keep the one he loves safe. No matter the cost...

Canada ran faster then he ever did before, Whether it be the adrenaline coursing through him or time had slowed around him, He had to keep going. He needed to get to Germany, tell him what's happening. Of course this happened on the one day where Italy had gone home and Germany was out in a meeting with his boss. There was no one else there to help. He needed to find someone. He'd accept help from anyone at this rate. Immediately after turning a sharp corner the Canadian collided with someone. He looked up to see who it was and saw no one other than Hungary. 

Seeing how Canada was in a frantic panic she asked him what was wrong, unaware of the issue at hand. Canada tried his best to get the words out clearly for her, " M-MISS HUNGARY!! PLEASE YOU HAVE TO HELP US, CUBA! HE.. HE'S HERE! IN BERLIN! HAS KNIFE! IS ANGRY AND NEED TO STOP CAUSE STABBING!!"

Putting past situations aside she didn't understand exactly what Canada had meant but she did understand the something bad was happening and they needed her help urgently.  So she followed him back to Germany's house where they would see the fight coming to an end.

Both of them were wishing deeply it would be okay when they got back, Even though that only happens in fairy tails. Before they knew it, Prussia and Cuba were in sight. Only.. upon reaching their destination they saw the one sight that no one would ever want to see.

Canada screamed out to Prussia before....


Go ahead hate me for cutting it off here. I'm a monster and I need to stay a monster! MUHAHAHHAH! 

God I want to undo what i have done...


Perfectly Arranged /PruCan~/Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat