Chapter Nine: Hey... um...

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First dates. We're sacred of them. We're excited for them. We usually want a second one after.

But the hardest part is asking that special someone out first.
Gilbert won the approval of Matthew's family.
But he's still got to ask his Crush on a date...


The next day Gilbert was nervous. They we're still in ladies and would be for two more days, spending time with family and getting to know everyone a bit more.

But Francis had to excuse himself today. They still have work as a country to do, Francis had to catch up on some work his boss assigned yesterday.
Arthur decided to take today and  call in and see how things were back home.
Alfred.... Well... He was just being him. He surprisingly keeps up with his work more than a lots of the others.

Gilbert took the opportunity and decided today he would ask out Matthew.
It was well aware to Francis.

Matthew was on the couch petting Kumajiro at the time. Relaxing in the clam quite environment.
Gilbert didn't want to annoy him knowing well thst both Mattie and Kuma were jumpy as hell when they're like this. So he calmly approached the two. Making at least enough noise to make him aware he's there but not be a nuisance.

The Prussian poked at his husband's face, "Mattie? Hey, Mattie."
The Canadian kept petting Kuma but turned his head towards the ex-nation," yes Gilbert? You need something?"
the albino got lost in the quite nations vibrant eyes for a moment," U-um.. Vell.. I... "
Gilbert lost his words for a moment.
"Jou vant to go out lunch today?"
He spat out before he made a complete fool of himself.

The Canadian smiled at him," Oui, I'm sure we can all go out when Francis is taking a break. I'll let Al and Arthur know..."

The Prussian froze at the words. He technically just got denied.... No! Matthew just didn't understand what he meant.
"Mattie vait! I.. Um... I.. mean j-just us.. so... um....vhat do jou say?"

The Prussian nervously awaited for an answer. He couldn't catch a break with his nerves.
Finally the quiet country answered with s red face," l-like a date? Well... Umm... A-alright...
B-but, Papa! Al! Wouldn't they kill you if they found out?!"

The albino let out a sigh of relief and pat Matthew's head," don't vorry birdie. Yesterday zhe awesome me talked about it to zhem All, zhey are fine vith it."

With the Canadian aware That FACE won't kill Gilbert he accepted the invitation to lunch.
Little did either if the nations know that a nosei British man was about to enter the room before hearing everything.

Yes, Arthur was alright with Gilbert being with Matthew but he still can't believe he actually went through with it. The britt thought he should also tell Francis. Francis had the right to know what's going on in his son's life.

"Frog!", Arthur yelled out entering  Francis's room.
Francis looked up from his desk and paper work with an eyebrow raised,"Oui, Mon amour?"

"I don't mean to alarm you or anything but, I think you shoupd know that Gilbert just asked Matthew out on a date.", the Britt revealed, for a moment expecting a small panic from the Frog.
Instead Francis smiled and stated," that's wonderful! Non? And of course we'll be following them Angleterre."

Arthur let's out a small chuckle,"you really can tell what I'm thinking you bloody frog. I may not admit this alot but, I love you."

"Je t'aime.... Now do you know when those two love birds will be going out?", Francis replied a bit excited to spy on the two.
Arthur then assured him," worry not. Gilbert asked him out to lunch so I assume they'll be leaving right before noon."

The two grew a devious grin as they formed a plan.

~(imma switch back to country names for a few chapters....)

At a local café in streets of pairs two countries by the names of Prussia and Canada walked in.
Seated at a booth they both we unaware if who was stalking their date.

"Are you sure this okay?", the English speaking country whispered.
in response a French voice appeared," of course it is. I know the owner of this café. He's alright with us long as we dont set anything on fire."

France then decided it would be a good idea to pose as a waiter to get a close look of the date. Wearing a fake mustache and waiter uniform he walks out to their table.
"Bonjour, je suis votre serveur." France staeted out trying to pretend to be someone else,"Que voudriez-vous manger?"
(Dear god please tell me if I'm right..... I used google translate ╥﹏╥
BTW he said hello, I am your Waiter. What would you like to eat?)

Canada immediately knew it was France but didn't want you make a big deal out of it. For two reasons...
One. It could make a scene in public
Two. He didn't want to ruin the date... Prussia seemed nervous about it already..

Prussia on the other hand didn't recognize him. How? ....Is that really necessary to explain? Its Prussia... Haven't you meet the BTT??
So Prussia clueless a ever. Figured out what he wanted and ordered.
Canada sighed at his husband's obliviousness and ordered as well.

France left and went back over to England. Only to find a small fire in the kitchen. Immediately france regretted leaving England near the kitchen to spy on them from a far.
So they spent the next few minutes freaking out over a fire in a pan that wasn't even on the grill.....

Now let's get back to the PruCan date~

"Hey Prussia.. I have a question.", the Canadian asked, "how long have you wanted to ask me out?"
Prussia almost spat out the water he was drinking. He didn't think this question would come up.... Then again... he wasn't really the brightest cookie in the jar.

He tried to answer calmly but that failed," W-well... Umm.. You s-see I've wanted to for...." he then let out a heavy breath and finished "Quiet a while now. I fell in love with you over the week we've spent together and  I can't help but love everything about you."

Canada smiled at Prussia. Even though he's the country to be forgotten and e pretty much invisible to everyone.. It was wonderful knowing that someone was in his life that wouldn't forget him.
They continued on their conversations and a debate on the best movie.

All the while France and England couldn't watch because of the flaming pan.
Regardless... The date was wonderful.

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