Chapter Seven: Face The F.A.C.E.

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With the recent... Incident the PruCan couple decided that Gilbert should get the respect of Matthews family so this never happens again.
The FACE family is an interesting bunch. It consist of France, America, Canada and England.
All brought together like family with endless chaos.
How on earth is Gilbert gonna survive this.....

Gilbert's POV:

Ugh mein head.
I voke up in mein room. Odd last zhing I remember vas.... Oh... Right Alfred beat me up because I fell asleep vith Mattie on the couch. Mein gott, it vas an accident!
Scheiße, I hope Mattie is okay.
Speaking of vhich... I should go check on him.

Gilbird followed me downstairs flying around mein awesome head. Before I even reached zhe bottom of zhe stairs the delicious smell of food hit me.
I don't smell any vurst but zhat is definitely pancakes!

"Mattie? Zhe awesome me is back and not dead!", I go yelling out to Mattie entering the kitchen.
I see him and Kumajiro sitting vith a large stack of pancakes and maple syrup.

"Awesome! Zhe pancakes jou make are zhe best!", I shout excitedly und hungrily. I could eat a horse right now!
As I begin zo scarf down mein own stack of pancakes Matthew zells his awesome plan.
"So maybe if you got to know my half of the family better we would run into less... Problems like with what happened with Alfred the other day.", Matthew finished his idea.

I agreed to this plan. It would be a wonderful to have the approval of an overprotective family. Besides, even though I won't admit it out loud.... Alfred throws a hell of a hard punch!
I started to clean up as Matthew called them in advance so they would know. I could hear the phone call or at least Matthews half from the kitchen.

"Uh bonjour Papa.
Oui everything is fine- nothing happened. I just want to tell you something.
Non! Its not like that. Gilbert and I want to come over and spend some time like a family.
We figured since you and Alfred seem so worried aboot me, it would be nice for the family to get to know gilbert better.
That's why we want to do this!
If I didn't step in Gilbert would of been hurt worse!
I'm fine, besides Gilbert wouldn't do that.
How do I know? I've been living under the same roof as him for over a week now. I've gotten to know him over that time.
Papa please clam down.
So can we come over or not?
Okay. Great... Wait was that Arthur.
Oh... Heh, okay then. I'll see you soon then."

He hung up the phone and let a small sigh out of relief.
Judging by his side of the conversation we're going but Francis my be looking to kill me.
"So....I'm guessing jour call vent vell? Kesesese", I chuckled out while the Canadian in front of me raised an eyebrow at me. I couldn't help but find it funny.
"Kesesesese! jour face! Jou are doing zhat annoyed wife face! Es tut uns leid but zhat is awesomely hilarious!", I laughed out practically falling over. I could almost feel awesome tears well in mein awesome eyes.
I would of continued for a while but it was cut short by a quite voice, "Ahem... "
I shot my face back towards Mattie trying to be serious.
"So if you're done Iwe should start to get ready to go. Papa said Arthur was already over so we can meet them over at his house. and i have an odd feeling the Alfred will be there too...."

"Mein gott I think Alfred vill kill me before I could even speak! But its vorth a shot."
I head back up towards my room and pack a small bag. Yes we've only been home like a week and we're heading out. Its kind of normal for us. Being countries we have to often travel to keep in contact, you'd be surprised how little time we spend alone.

After my bags were packed I wait for Matthew, I assume it would take a little bit longer considering he has Kumajiro. Gilbird isn't hear to deal with, there is a definite difference between a bird and polar bear. Anyone could tell that.
Matthew makes his way downstairs with his stuff and a small scratch on his hand," so...Vhat happened to jour hand?"
"Hm? Oh you see Kuma can be a little stubborn with travel sometimes. Mostly because on some flights I dont let him sit in a passenger seat with me."
"Oh that makes sense. Vell I'm ready to get going vhenever jou are Birdie.", I gave him a warm smile taking his free hand in mine. a small 'Meep!' Could be heard from Matthew as I pulled him through the door. Then proceeding to walk to the car.

That drive there was fairly nice Kuma was in the back and gilbert was content sitting on his head.(it was so adorably awesome!) I drove us the way there, listening to music we both found interest in. A few days ago I found out Birdie loves to listen to dubstep, I didn't expect it either but, here we are.
Singing along to whatever lines we could understand eventually arriving at the airport.

Then after a long ass plane ride and another short car trip we finally arrived at Francis' place.

Matthew's POV:

Gilbert and I finally Arrived at Papa's house. I knocked gently on the door, not a moment passes and I'm engulfed in a huge bear hug.
"Oh my Matthieu! It's has been forever non?", Papa yelled out to me while crushing my lungs.
Regardless I managed to squeak out," It's...G-great to see you t-to Papa. B-but you're... Cr-crushing my lungs."
He barely heard me the first time. So Gilbert budded in.
"Kesesese. Alright Franny, I zhink jou'er about to hug him to death." Gil laughed out causing Papa to put me down and shoot a glare at Gil. That glare, however, immediately turned to a smile. Figures considering this is all for the efforts to help my side of the family not kill him.

Walking inside I pray this will go as planned and nobody will get hurt.
Spoke too soon.... I can already smell smoking coming from the kitchen.....

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