Chapter three: bachelor parties

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  The wedding still had its ups to all the downs, one being the bachelor parties both matthew and Gilbert would have. Separate obviously, and to not tear friendships over family it was held at different times so nations like francis could spend time with both his best friend and son.

The parties were pretty much as you would expect them to be. However, it wasn't as lively and jokingly as anyone could hope for. Occasionally there was a mood of dead seriousness among the  partying nations. Both parties did have a.... Unique flare to it....

Matthew's POV:

Alfred was the one taking care of my bachelors party but, to be honest i don't really care how the party is. I just want this to be over with, i guess that's not the case.

"Dude, come on it your party you should join everyone before we get to drunk to handle!", Alfred yelled from behind me. Yes people were drinking, not me but, everyone from Kiku to papa. "Yeah alright. Why do i even have to have a party?" i questioned my brother.

Then with a smirk he started to tease me,"what, are you eager to get married to Prussia?"
"W-what?! No! W-why would y-you think so-something like that??"
"Well you didn't have to get all defensive about it.... That just makes me more curious."
"Shut up, I-it's not yo-your business to know."
"Alright, alright. But seriously dude, why don't ya want a party?"
"A party just isn't m-my scene. And its especially weird that i'm the center of the party..."

Alfred put his hand on my shoulder giving me a assuring smile, "Mattie. Don't worry too much about it, you should enjoy the party and the next day as much as possible. We all want you to have fun before your... "Marriage"... It'll be fine as long as you enjoyed these two days."
"Thanks Al. Even though Arthur says your stupid your still smart in some ways."
I give Alfred a hug cause I really don't what else to do. He's my brother and yes Alfred can be pretty dumb. But Al is also smart at life, knowing what to do with reality situations.

"Alright dudes, let's start this party! Mattie what game do you want to play?" Alfred held up a collection of video games most of them American.
"This one, I'll beat you at any event." I proclaimed picking out Mario and Sonic Olympic winter Games. "Any event. I'm a hero so this'll be easy! Ahahahahahaha!!" Several ice hockey events later~

"FUCKING HELL DUDE! WHY ARE YOU GOOD AT THIS?!" Alfred yelled out as I scored another point wining like the 20th time playing ice hockey.
Alfred thought he could be me at my national sport. Jokes on him for losing a thousand times.
"Alright, that is another win for Matthew, Da?" Ivan spoke with his normal smcreepy smile.
"Oui. Matthieu had beaten you each game mon amie."
"SHUT UP! I'LL BEAT HIM EVENTUALLY! HEROS DON'T LOSE" Alfred was losing his mind at this point. I just made it better by saying
"That explains why you haven't won yet"

Papa and Ivan start laughing carelessly at Alfred. And Lovino said, "Damn, burger baster got burned."
At one point we did start drinking a little but not a lot. Heck, I didn't even have one drink. No one got wasted which Alfred thinks is lame but, I think its good because I don't have to worry about anyone having a horrible hangover or something.
I wonder how Gilbert's party is gonna go? Eh, I can ask Papa later since he's going.

-Gilberts party-(Third person)

Everyone was wasted unlike Matthews party. They started to play a heavy drinking game and everyone from Gilbert to Felicino were wasted beyond belief.
The drinking game they were playing was laughing shots.
They watched a bunch of stupid funny videos and every time someone laughed they took a shot.... You can see why some of them were beyond wasted. And as they got drunker they laughed easier, Which led to more drinking.

It was a bit of alcoholic chaos but fun to them. Highlights of this blackout drunk party was Gilberts friends Francis and Antonio doing what they always do.
And the being, telling Felicino that if he wore a dress and did some ridiculous dance you would be blessed. Now anyone in a right sense of mind wouldn't listen to that bullshit but, keep in mind Felicino is drunk off his mind with everyone else.
Five minutes later Feli was in a shockingly short dress and dance like no one was watching....even though everyone was. Ludwig especially had his eyes on the drunken Italian.
After he was done with that there was no stopping Ludwig from kissing him.
"Kesesesese! 'Bout time jou zwo hit it off! Get some vest!!!"
"OHONHONHONHONHON~ somebody's gonna be happy tonight!"
"Have fun mi amigos! But be careful Feli! Fusososososo!" out the wasted bad touch trio.

The trio sat down at a table and were downing shots. Talking about life and mostly teasing Gilbert how he's gonna be 'tied down' and not gonna be able to hang with the guy a much. The normal things a group of drunken idiots would say at a bachelors party. Then while talking about Gil being tied down, Francis started to tell his albino friend about Matthew.
"Honhonhon~ Mon amie you at least got off easy and 'ad a wonderful catch lik my Mathieu, non?" The Frenchman spoke in slurred words.
"Kesese. I don'z even knov anyzhing. abouz him. Franny, vhaz's he lik?" The prussian questioned his no longer sober friend.
"Mathieu is a kind young boy who of course looks amazing anda acts amazing being raised by me of course!", Exclaimed Francis.
Both of the Frenchman's friend broke out into their unusual laughter.
"Kesesesese!" "Fusososososo!!!"
"No way you raised someone to be so quite and he's not even a flirt!", laughed out his friend Antonio.

"Hey mon amie you can not agrue with me! You have Romano!", Defended the offended Frenchy.
Then the. Prussian budded back in,"Hey, hey clam down Franny. ve all know Zoni can't keep his hands off Lovino. But ve're just joking. Kesesesese."
"Sí! I would never truly mean that mi amigo!", joked the Spaniard.
"Fine. However, I would like to make it clear that my Mathieu is innocent, and I would like it to stay that way for awhile Gilbert.", Francis warned his friend, with a heavy stern voice.

"Ja, I von't zake his innocence. I don't really see him zhat vay either so don't vorry.", Assured the Prussian.
As for the rest of the night. The trip drunken themselves to the point of passing out. With lots of games and laughter.
We can only thank Lord doistu tthat the wedding wasn't the next morning because everyone would probably have a brutally painful hangover.

But we'll skip the nasty hangover.......

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