Chapter Five: Living together

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A newly wedded couple!
A time to smile and cherish the first days spent together. Yes, its not perfect and the two learn to live with each other. It will take time to get comfortable with one another.
But a positive love fills the air.

If you were at a normal house hold of married couple. Canada and Prussia weren't as in love as other newly weds. The house was full of awkward tension.
Every day for the first week France dropped by to make sure Prussia treated Canada right.
Overall it was an strange experience.

Matthew's POV:

Living with Gilbert so far has been..... Weird. I mean yes we're a married couple now so we should get use to this but I almost feel pressured right now. Like we have to act lovey dovey with each other.
I don't hate Gilbert, not at all. Over time he's been here I've tried to get to know him better. He's a pretty interesting guy actually.

As of right now we decided to do this to make life a little easier for us. It's the end of the week and we're gonna have a movie night.
Its our way of trying to be less awkward and getting to know each other. You know like two friends that hang out, watch some stupid movie while making fun of the plot. That kind of thing.
The movie we decided on was the Corpse Bride by Tim Burton.

Yes, very ironic. We're watching a movie about an arranged marriage. Gilbert found it pretty funny. I haven't seen it though, Alfred and I are huge fans of Tim Burton.
So it was decided we would watch the Corpse Bride.
Gilbert was getting us some snacks while I set up the movie. It was being stubborn as hell. So I was finding a hopefully easier way. Half way behind the TV checking is something was damaged or unplugged.
Gilbert had already walked back in from the kitchen with popcorn, Pepsi and pretzels.
But I was unaware of what he was doing. It was until I heard a whistle to break me away from my thoughts.
"Wow. Antonio might actually have competition for having the best ass."

"G-GILBERT!", I exclaimed turning around very flustered.

"Vhat? It is zhe awesome zruht. Franny and Antonio joked about zhis stuff all zhe zime vith me.", Prussia tried to explain himself but, that's still so excuse for me.

"That's not really a joke to me! Seriously, don't do jokes like that with me. Okay?", I made Gil apologize before we sat down finally started to watch the movie. It was pretty much relatable with how we are right now. I felt almost like Victoria... I wonder if gilbert feels like victor does in the movie?

"Hey gilbert. I kind of relate to Victoria right now. Don't you?"

"Eh.... Vell yes jou may but, zhe awesome me is feeling a bit more empathetic zowards Victor. Being honest, I had a small part of mein mind zelling me zo leave and not go zhrough vith it..." Gilbert admitted while looking down but, he shot his head back up with a smile and finished," I'm actually a little glad he awesome didn't listen zo zhat voice. It fun to hang out with jou sometimes. "

That a bit of a relief, "I have to admit it is really fun to hang out with you too. It makes life a little bit more interesting."

Now in reality we were both on the couch but on the very separate ends. We constantly agreed that even though we're married now we don't have to do anything a couple would normally do. Only thing is, as the movie progressed we talked a bit and eventually scooted a bit closer together. Not too close but, we were sitting next to each other now. I was fine with it and so was Gil. Then Gilbert subconsciously put his arm around me. That caused me to tensen up. I didn't know what to do, like how do you tell someone 'Hey you know you just put your arm around me can you just not?' NO! I can't! That's something Alfred would do.

After aboot five minutes of silence, he looked over at me to probably make another joke aboot the movie. But he realized his arm and lifted it up quickly. Muttering a small sorry before going back to the movie, in a strange silence.

When the movie ended it was really quite. I decided to speak up first,"Hey... so... the movie was amazing. But i couldn't expect less from Tim Burton. He's awesome."
"Not as awesome as zhe awesome me, Right?", Prussia asked.
"Yes. He's not as awesome.", I half lied. To me Tim Burton is the best but, I wasn't going to tell him.
I lay my head back after check the time.

It's kind of late, plus I'm always sleepy after a movie. I should get to bed soon.
I closed my eyes for a second but they wouldn't open back up. I drifted off to a small dream land.

Gilbert's POV:

Crap! He fell asleep und is rest his head on mein shoulder! Mein Gott he's really cute!
Okay so, ja.. zhe awesome me may have started to like Mattie. It should be fine because wve're married after all. I'm just vorried about how everyone else vill feel about it, especially Mattie.
Over zhe veek I just.... Could help but love his company, being around him is awesome. everyzhing about him.. His hair, eyes, smile. His Amazingly awesome pancakes! I really do like Matthew.

I didn't vant to vake him up, so I didn't zry to carry him up zhe stairs zo his room. I did hovever find mein self falling asleep.
It vas nice, I could find mein self like zhis for the rest of mein awesome life. Vell... If I was a normal human.

Maybe zhings can be less Avkvard betveen us. Zhat... vould be vonderful...

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