Chapter Eleven: Visitors

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Love is a tricky game. Some have it easier than other but peaceful relationship dont always stay the same.
Our PruCan couple would soon find that out.

Prussia's POV:

I wake up to find a sleepy Canadian next to me. America gave me a heads up that Canada isn't a morning person back when we were in Paris.

I give a peck on his forehead before getting out of bed. Leaving the bed to mein birdie.
After getting dressed in an awesome Prussian flag shirt and awesome jeans, I go downstairs.

I would try to make pancakes again but... I dont want a repeat of yesterday. Not that it was a bad thing! Zhe aweskme just doesnt want to be caught off guard like that again!
So instead I make a bowl of cereal. However ironically just as I sat down the doorbell went off. Vonderful.
"Hallo?", I greet opening the door to.... Hurgary?, "Hungary? Vhat are jou doing here?"

"Hello Prussia, I just thought of visiting you and talking. May I come in?", she answered politely.. Which is... A little odd considering she is talking to me. 
"Um... Ja. Canada is still asleep so try not to be too loud.", I inform Hungary. I dont want to bother birdie when he's resting.

We take a seat on the couch and enter a small skip of silence between us.
Until Hungary decided to speak up," So, how are you and Canada doing?"
" Good, we talked to his side of zhe family recently cause turns out zhey're all really overprotective. " great that she wants to know about my life but, let's see why she here," so anyways Hungary why are jou specifically here? "

Hungary sighed and finally fessed up," well Prussia. I was a little sad when I heard about you and Canada getting married.. But then I heard it was just an arranged one."

"I don't like how zhis is sounding... Vhere are jou going vith zhis???"

"Prussia! I really like you and I know you technically married to Canada but since its arranged you dont have to be in love with him. I  want to be with you.", Hungary started talking crazy. It annoyed me that not only was she asking me date and cheat with my husband but treating it like its okay to do this!

"Nein! I wouldn't dare to do zhat to anyone! Especially as awesome as Canada!", I yell out at her. I wouldn't think about doing some this disrespectful with anybody!
But it just gets better! She tries to defend herself," P-prussia. Irs not like that. I'm not saying to divorce him. you could have your own relationship that's filled with love-"

"hey... What's up with all the yelling, eh?", A soft voice cut off Hungary to show an adorable Canadian walking down stair with Kuma in his arms still asleep.
"Canada! Did ve vake jou? If so, Es tut mir Leid.", I apologize before he could answer.

"Prussia it's alright I was starting to wake up already. But what is Hungary doing here?", he question raising an eyebrow and starting to raise his voice from it normal soft tone.
I rather not plainly say it in front of her. She could  my words,"I'll explain once Hungary leaves. So bye Hungary."

However she didnt stop there," No, Prussia I want to know. Canada, You and Prussia may be married by arrangement but that doesn't mean I can't still have a relationship with Prussia. can't I?!"

Canada went silent. I didnt know what to say. Then something set off.
"I can't believe you. Not only do you think its okay for someone who's married to have a relationship with somebody else, but you think you can just come to my house and take my man! Well Hungary you should go ho.e and suck off Austria cause you are NOT getting Prussia at all!", Canada scarily snapped at Hungary in quite a loud and terrifying tone.
Hungary opened her mouth to say something but quickly closed it.
Then birdie finished his statement,"I think its time you leave...."

Canada's POV:

Hungary understood that her stay here was not welcome at all. And made her way out the front door quickly.
Listen I'm going to admit. I really like Prussia. And we're not just dating, we're married. So I am not going to let that brutal hoser try to make any move on him!

As soon as she was gone from our door way I turn to Prussia," okay tell me every word she said. " Prussia looked frozen in place," Prussia? O-oh! Did I go over board with her?! Oh maple..."

Prussia snapped out of it and actually stuttered like yesterday," N-no! You showed her.
Its zhat... I n-never seen j-jou act s-so bold......." The rest I couldn't hear cause it was under his breath.

my own face started to feel warm. "well at least she's gone. You think she'll bother us again??"

"I don't know.", Prussia answered honestly," mabye she'll go suck off  Austria instead. kesesese"
I blush immediately from him quoting my insults to Hungary.

"Shut up you dork!", I march off to the kitchen for breakfast. Prussia remained in the other room laughing away.
He's a lovable dork.

Hungary's POV:

I can't believe them, they dont understand that I loved Prussia first. Heck I've known him for a long time.
And suck off Austria? Really?! I had something with Austria Once but, that won't happen again ever.
Ugh! I swear one day Prussia will see that he's better off with me!

Anger boiled in my skin I couldn't help but use my frying pan and destroy a poor tree that was near me.
I need to go before I get too angry.

Plz dont be mad or salty about me doing this to Hungary. Trust me if I didn't want to make the story longer I wouldn't make anyone evilish.

Plz hungary is awesome(she one of my Wifu's T~T)

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