Chapter Six: Blushing bruises

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Fights happen. No couple is perfect and can live in perfect harmony, that would take away from the meaning of being alive.

In this case....
Gil got fucked up, Mattie is a blushing mess. And Alfred.... He's beyond pissed, triggered or salty combined.

And if you're wondering what happened.... Well only one way to find out.

Alfred's POV:

I wasn't happy at all with one my friends marrying my brother. To make it worse that friend is Gilbert. The dude is great and all but he's also apart of the Bad Touch Trio and hangs around Francis and Antonio all the time. It bothers me knowing they're under the same roof all the time.

Today I decided to be like any awesome hero and check on them.
"Dude! Its me Alfred. Open up.", yelling out knocking on Mattie's door. Usually I go off with the whole hero thing but I kinda don't do that bs with Mattie. We're pretty much twins and know each other a lot more than others do.
So there isn't a point to call myself a Hero.
"Mattie? Are you still asleep? Its like 9am.", after waiting a minute I just walk in. Matthew had a bad habit of leaving his door unlocked cause not to many people visit often.

"Dude sorry to barge in but you weren't answering the door- WHAT THE FUCK!?!", I can't believe this! Is Gilbert really cuddling with my brother on the couch asleep?! What happened?!
I know they're technically married and all but I'm still not gonna let the perverts hands hang over my brother!!

"Huh..? who's that..", Matthew started to wake up all groggily still wrapped up in Gilberts arms.
Like he doesn't know! Oh wait... I never called him in advance to say I'm coming over.

"GILBERT! DUDE, WHY YOU GOT YOUR HANDS WRAPPED AROUND MATTHEW!?", I scream out waking him up in the process.
And even when he realized that Matthew was all wrapped up, cuddled in his arms. He didn't do anything! He just looked at me and asked what's up!

So I proceeded with my rage still going, to bark at him," WHAT'S UP IS YOU GOT YOUR PERVY HANDS ALL OVER MY BROTHER!!! WHAT WERE YOU DOING?!"
Gilbert shot back a foot when he understood the situation.
Matthew's face was completely red and flustered. My poor poor big brother!(I think Canada is older than America. Its opinion)

"Don't worry dude the hero will save you!", I didn't even hesitate. I launched myself at the pervy Prussian. Letting out a lot of my rage.
In the background I could hear Mattie say small things like 'Oh maple' and 'what should I do.'
But what really caught me was 'My brothers beating the crap out of my husband.'

'Right Alfred think! This is your brother in-law.'
I let go of the now bruised Prussian and looked ttowards Mattie. I can't even believe my ears.
"M-Mattie dude, Are you for real? He had his hands wrapped all around you! As your brother and a hero I got to protected. "
I give a glance back towards Gilbert who is trying to recover agter my attack. Not a shocker he hasn't gotten up yet, I'm a hero after all.
"Alfred! That doesn't give you the right to completely beat up Gilbert! Papa wouldn't have done this!"
Really? He's bringing Francis into this? Ugh!!!
" He Probably would beside Francis wouldn't be all that happy from this! Even so what if he tried something with you!?!?"

His's face relit with a deep blush showing embarrassment. He should be a little embarrassed, someone putting their perverted hands on him without knowing what was going to happen!
"Now! Gilbert what were you planning with my brother!?", I yelled at him gripping his shirt, "START TALKING NOW YOU PER-vert..... Annnd He's unconscious... Great."

I snapped out of my rage and looked towards Mattie. He had a mixed look still being embarrassed and upset. 

Matthew's POV:

I can't believe Alfred right now. I get it that he wants to be a hero to people and make sure I'm safe but I can handle myself!
First things first I have to somehow tell Alfred off and get him out. Then I can see if Gilbert is alright and not dead.

"Alfred. I know you like being a hero, I get that you want to protect me like I'm your little brother. But I'm not! I'm older and don't need you to watch over me like this! I'm soory Alfred but this is not okay!
Gilbert could be dead right now if I didn't stop you!", I ranted off to Alfred who grew a rather hurt and shocked expression.

"But... Mattie! Who else is gonna look out for you?", Alfred tried to defend himself. Nope! Not gonna work at all.
I stabbed my finger towards to the door commanding Alfred in a stern still quite voice," Out! I'm not a child and this is my home, so get out."

Alfred trying not to be too hurt walked out and closed the door behind him.
We'll talk it out later, for now how's Gilbert?
Knocked out cold, Alfred isn't completely all talk. He can throw an incredibly nasty punch to the face. NEVER want to be caught in that, I'd probably end up with a broken nose.

I didn't try to wake up Gilbert now, it would be a lost cause. For now I dragged Gilbert back to his room.
He can rest and I'll have some pain killers out just in case. Mean while I will be making some pancakes, I'm starving.

Getting out all of the ingredients I start making it from scratch, I ain't eating some cheap fake batter pancakes. Only the best is allowed!
half way through I feel tiny paws hit my legs.
"Kuma? I'm Guess you want breakfast too?", I ask my small demanding polar bear.

"I'm starving! I want food now!", trying to shout while hitting my leg once more before he sat down with a lot of sass. It made me laugh, knowing he got most of that sass from me.
Weather you believe it or not, I can be quiet sassy and savage. But only with the people I'm close with, or comfortable around.
I could tell this wasn't the only time Gil would get into some trouble with my family.
Maybe I can talk to him aboot it, Eh.
Might not work. Papa is bound to freak out the entire time, Alfred will need some time to cool down and Arthur.... I'm not sure what he even thinks of Gilbert....

Oh Maple we are in for a crazy ride...

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