Chapter Eighteen: Pasta and Potatoes

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Don't you just love seeing your in-laws? 

I get it. Its might not always be the most exciting this for most people but, sometime we enjoy a good visit from that one half of the family where everyone gets along... somehow!
Like Prussia's side of the family! With Germany and... Probably Italy.. and....Yeah lets see how that goes....


Just outside of the Berlin airport stood a very sleepy Canada holding a large coffee and Prussia whom was wide awake and energetic. They both were waiting for their ride who was conveniently about to arrive. However, being that their ride was Germany, it was very obvious that he wouldn't be late for a second.

And just as mentioned Germany's car pulled up in front of the two. Also to nobody's surprise Italy was in sitting in shotgun being the energetic boy he always is. Germany who was slightly annoyed at the Italian's volume remained quiet in the driver seat but, to be honest he was use to it at this rate. He's must surrounded by loud people 24/7.

Canada and Prussia were at a bit of relief that they wouldn't have to wait the long for their ride. With out much hesitation they piled into the backseat while being followed by Gilbird. Kumajiro, however, was not with them. Canada felt the Kuma would be to much trouble for his in-laws and he didn't want to be troubling. Instead the Canadian nation left his stubborn fluff ball in the care of his little brother America. Thankfully America is really good with animals and shouldn't have many issues with Kuma.... for the most...

The drive back to Germany's house was quiet... anarchic yet tranquil.... between an energetic Prussian, the indefatigable Italian and the sensible German as well as a serene Canadian. It was a quick ride home however was fairly quick. Germany decided that Prussia can show Canada where they'll be staying, judging how it just Prussia's old room.(Aka, The basement) Better off too, as soon as they were through the door Italy wanted to make pasta with Germany. Leaving Prussia with his little birdie.

They settled in quickly leaving Canada to get a nice look around his partners old room. To be completely honest, Prussia looks like the kind of guy who would live in a basement and call it his man cave or some dumb shit like that.

"So... This is the awesome bachelor's pad my mama use to live in?" Canada started to joke, "Guess this is where all the 'cool' kids use to hang." He finished putting air quotes on the word cool.

Prussia smirked, gesturing his arms towards his bed, "then you must desperately want to see the most awesome part."

"Oh Gilly! take me now!" Canada sarcastically said in a mocking teenage girl voice. The Canadian dramatically raised his hands up, pretending to be a love struck high school girl. Prussia, However, complied and swept his husband off his feet and into his arms bridle style. The Prussians face flushed red, It makes sense considering he was married to the most adorable person ever. The inner gay crisis was real.

They both laughed excessively like dorks as Prussia spun them around. As much as this was immature... who cares? They're immortal countries with all the time in the world. Just like everyone else embracing the two L words, Life and Love. 

Later after the lovely tour of Prussia's old room they return upstairs. Only to find the GerIta was in the kitchen. Italy was cooking pasta, as expected, and Germany was helping him. Italy is a bit carefree so Germany keep them on task for the most part. However, that doesn't mean Italy won't goof around. Italy popped in front of Germany and wrapped the German arms around him in a hug, leaving the Italian's arms free to continue cooking pasta. Germany let out a sigh of content, leaning down to kiss the top of the Italian's head you could a smile stick to his face. Italy turned around to face the German who was no longer intimidating to the Italian nation. To the best of his ability Italy got to the tip top of his toes to give Germany a peck on the lips, realizing this the German nation leaned down the rest of the way for their lips to meet. Prussia and Canada couldn't help at how cute it was to see family be happy and in love. Seeing them work together in something as simple as cooking, in such a tranquil style. 

"they're so happy!" Canada whispered trying not to disturbed the two. 

"Ja....... France owns me 10 Euros...." Prussia said quietly yet bluntly. 

Canada whipped his head to Prussia and looked at him in shock. "You bet on there relationship?!" trying his best to stay quiet. Prussia remained quiet with an obvious face of an extended Maybe...

"Gilbear!" Canada began to scold his husband. "You should of bet more.... their relationship was obvious."

"Jou're right, I could have gotten more." Prussia agreed smirking. To think that these two were having such a conversation in the first place....

They both turned their attention back to the love birds in the kitchen. It was taking every ounce of power of Prussia and Canada's marriage intimidation for the awesome Prussia to resist the urge to laugh loudly. That is because it was clearly apparent that Germany was a stronger red then the color itself. Italy looked completely calm compared to mess that was Germany.

Regardless the two continued to watch the lovely love birds for awhile until Italy's attention drifted off and spotted them by chance. Italy wasn't bother by finding them sneaking about, mostly because the small Italian thinking really think about them spying on them in the first place. "CIAO~!!!", Italy yelled out to the two, revealing Prussia and Canada for spying on the two. Italy as mentioned before was okay with it, no harm done, But... Germany gave them a nice long lecture about how spying on people was not okay and how space should be respected. 

In the end all was forgiven and Prussia and Canada sure learned their lesson that if they were to ever spy on a couple being adorable.... it would not be Germany and Italy...

So they all moved on fairly quickly sitting down to enjoy some freshly made pasta.

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