Chapter Two: Let's plan a Wedding!

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Third person:

The wedding plan wasn't extravagant. And it wasn't the dream wedding the forced couple would hope for.
They were to have it in Canada's country, and the colors were just red and black. Nothing to special for the event. Rings pre chosen. There was pretty much nothing magical about this wedding like it should of been.
Canada has gotten the most attention in ages. Prussia was being nagged 24/7 by Germany on how they may be a forced couple but he still needs to respect his spouse.

Canada's POV:

Prussia. He's my fiancé.
We got word back from the Axis powers a week ago telling us who my spouse it and we'll be planning immediately.
I'm getting married in aboot three four days. Since the wedding is in Canada, most of the countries are here. My spouse is who knows where, we havent even meet up yet.
Everyone has seen me more which is nice and a little weird. America and Papa are pretty much furious that I was gonna marry Prussia.
I don't mind really. I mean I'm not in love with him and I don't want to get married, but I'm happy that I was acknowledge by others.
Life is going to change with Prussia around, were gonna live together and well... Be married. What if he hates me?
I've never met him so I can't jump to conclusion.

After feeding kuma...kumagune?
After feeding Kuma I head out. Going with Alfred's advice to treat it like a wedding and "enjoy my last days of freedom" but I'm not one to drink a lot or be in really public places. So the park its is.
At the park many kids were playing and young adults out on a stroll kind of like me. Only I'm much older than them and about to get married to someone. My eyes were locked onto the scenery I didn't even realize my surrounding until I bumped into someone.

"Uh... I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention" I apologized looking up to see who I ran into. "ja, Its okay. Mistakes happen"
It was Gilbert. What's he doing here?!
"Uhhh.....G-gilbert? What are you doing at the park?"
"Huh? Oh, Matthew uh..  Hi?"

"G-gilbert? What are you doing here?" I said in confusion. "Zhe awesome me could ask jou zhe same zhing." retorted the Prussian. I was in shock, never in a million years would I have expect to run into Gilbert here of all places.

It then clicked in my head, "Oh! We shouldn't be here together, especially a few days before you know... the thing.." I managed to whisper out and tried to sneak away. However Gilbert didn't care all that much for listening, grabbing the my arm before I could get away. "Eh...vho cares? Ve're gonna have to spend a lot of zime zogether anyvays. Might as vell get to know jou a little, right?"

He did have a point, We were going to be forced into marriage with each other anyways. It wouldn't be bad to know more about the guy I would spend who knows how long with.

"O-okay.... What do you like?"

"I don't know, some sports aren't awesome enough for zhe eyes of zhe awesome me."

"Even hockey?"

"Never seen a game... don't hear about it a lot so don't care."

".. you messed up. As soon as we can I'm making you watch a game of that blessing of a sport!"


Whoa... he just stuttered.
The Prussian had a little shocked expression upon his face, I'm usually shy, timid and not intimidating. However, if you insult the following of hockey, maple syrup, pancakes, beavers and the .Maple leaf.... Pray for your life. This is one of those times.

"Oh maple. I'm sorry i didn't mean to snap like that, i just get like that when someone says anything close to negative about the things my country takes pride in." I apologized.

Then Gilbert's shooked face grew into an alluring smirk, leaning towards my face.(NOT THAT CLOSE!) "don't be. Its vas really awesome, jou should be more confidante of jourself." I suddenly blushed at the quick change of mood from Prussia.

Flustered is the only emotion I felt at the moment, this close to him, and at the thought this was also my fiancé.  I don't know what to do, I'm not use to this kind of stuff.

"U-Um... w-well I would b-but, t-that's not really m-my thing...." I barely said above a whisper trying to back up a little. Gilbert still had a grip on my arm before so I couldn't get back and away to a comfortable distance. "Gilbert.. can you um let go of my arm?" he looked down at his hand still holding onto my wrist and let go.

"Oh, sorry I did not realize I vas still holding onto jour arm, My bad. " how could he not realize? i can barely hold a conversation with him, how am I going to manage life married to him?!


From there we just spent some time walking and talking around the park. I showed Gilbert some of my favorite places there, even this one small grass field hidden away by a few trees. I thought he might like it since there is usually a lot of bird families there, and i heard he loves birds.. well atleast his bird. that means he likes other bird right? Eh, whatever.
Other than that we learned quiet a lot aboot eachother, And it's good to know that we don't disagree on anything major.

I checked my phone for the time and it was... Almost 6?! Al said he wanted to hang out at 6 today! Wasn't it 2 o'clock?! How did I lose track of this much time talking with Prussia?!
"oh maple! I got to get going! Al will kill me if I'm not home soon!"
He looked at me all confused and laughed a bit. Why was he laughing?! I'm gonna die if I'm not home soon!
"Kesesese, Jou are really going to die if jour not back in Vhat, zen minutes?" He continued to laugh after his statement.
"Yes! Al has been taking quiet a few things seriously lately. So I know he'll kill me if I'm not home. Bye Gilbert. Its was great to meet you before we got married. "
Gilbert must of saw how serious of was being with this. He stopped laughing and grabbed my hand before I could sprint off.

"Alright, Bye Birdie. It vas awesome zo meet jou as vell."
Gil raised my hand and kissed the back of it.
Leaving me a flustered mess as I sprinted back to my house.
'Oh my maple did he just kiss my hand?!'

Prussia's POV:

Mein gott. Did I really just do zhat? Did I really just kiss mein fiance's hand just now?!
Vhat am I getting meinself into....

Heh.... It was nice though. Birdie showed zhe awesome me around and zhat one place vith zhe birds vas adorable.
Zhey weren’t as adorable as Gilbird though, nothing could ever, EVER! Replace mein Gilbird. Matthew really reminded me of him so i’m calling him birde, plus his favorite place in zhe park has a lot of birds around.

I should get going as vell, vest must have another long ass, unawesome  lecture for me. If that is zhe case zhen i should get back zo where zhe awesome me is staying.

Perfectly Arranged /PruCan~/Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz