Chapter 17

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Just a warning....this chapter is emotional, jaw-dropping, and slightly short....This may come as a shock to most of you! This chapter is dedicated to the wonderful and talented @duckiilovesyou66! Go check out her awesome Larry Stylinson story that I'm obsessed with! :)

~Carly <3

Harry’s POV

I’m an idiot!

What was I thinking? Why would I kiss Alexis?

I’m the worst husband in existence.

I need to find Charlotte and apologize.

“Where are you going?” Alexis snarled as I tried to walk away.

“To find my wife to beg for forgiveness,” I said while ripping my arm from her grip.

I held my swelling eye as I stumbled out to where the taxis were waiting to pick people up. I jumped in one and gave him directions to the tour bus.

I can’t get the look of disgust Liam gave me out of my mind. Or the broken look on Charlotte’s face.

As the taxi got closer to the tour bus, we came to a complete stand still in traffic.

“Sorry for the traffic sir! Looks like there’s a crash up ahead,” he explained.

“It’s alright,” I answered while touching my stinging eye.

After about 20 minutes, the taxi started to crawl along the road. As we passed the crash, I noticed that the two cars involved had been completely smashed to bits. I hope the people involved didn’t get hurt too badly.

Finally, the taxi pulled up to the bus and I paid the cab driver before jumping out into the night air. After I had changed clothes and gotten ice to put on my eye, my phone buzzed with a text.

From: Louis

You need to get to the hospital ASAP….it’s Charlotte.

To: Louis

What happened?! Is she alright?

From: Louis

Just get down here as quickly as you can.

I grabbed my wallet before hailing another cab and speeding all the way to the hospital. I ran as fast as I could until I reached the ICU where I saw everyone waiting for me.

“What the hell happened?!” I asked as I noticed everyone’s tearful faces.

Killian approached me slowly.

“Well, after Charlotte left the club, she was really upset,” she said.

“I know, I messed up big time,” I said.

“She got in a taxi that was supposed to drive her back to the tour bus, but it didn’t make it,” she continued.

“What happened?” I asked fearfully.

“The taxi was hit head on by a drunk driver,” she sobbed.

Louis took her in his arms and whispered soothing words into her ear.

“Well, what room is she in? I have to go see her and apologize!” I said.

“Harry, you can’t go visit her,” said Louis.

“Why the hell not, Louis?” I demanded.

“She’s not in a room,” continued Louis.

“What?” I asked.

I saw a few tears escape Louis’ eyes.

“She’s in the morgue.”

I felt my world crashing around me in slow motion.

“She’s dead.” 


I'm sorry! Don't hate me!

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