Chapter 12

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Sorry this add is so short! There's a lot of information coming, so I needed to do a preparing chapter....this has a lot of shocking news! Beware! ;) Please let me know what you think!


Harry’s POV

Everything happened in a blur.

The paramedics whisked Charlotte into the ambulance, hooking her up to various machines and yelling out incoherent directions.

“She’s losing blood!” I heard one of them yell.

My heart sank…..what’s happening to my wife?

“What’s wrong?” I asked, feeling more than slightly panicked.

They completely ignored me and started to close the ambulance doors.

“Would you like to come?” One of them asked.

I didn’t answer. Instead, I hauled myself up and seated myself next to her stretcher. Charlotte looked beyond panicked and I linked my fingers with hers, ignoring how cold they were becoming.

“Relax Honey; everything will be okay,” I murmured reassuringly.

When we arrived at the hospital, I was held back by a nurse while they rolled Charlotte quickly down the hall. What the hell was going on?

5 hours later………………………….

What’s going on? Why hasn’t the doctor come back yet? Why can’t I see Charlotte?

Just as I was about to tear my hair out in frustration, my friends came bolting through the sliding doors.

“Has she had the baby?”

“How’s she doing?”

“Can we see the little bundle of joy?”

“GUYS!” I yelled in frustration. “I have no clue what’s going on. As soon as we got here, they wheeled her away and I haven’t heard a word from the doctor!”

Everyone’s jaws dropped.

“Do you think there’s something wrong?” asked Killian worriedly.

“I don’t know,” I admitted while tugging on my hair.

I’ve been having a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach, but I don’t want to worry if it’s nothing.

“Harry, I think that’s the doctor,” Zayn indicated, pointing to a somber man in a white uniform.

“Are you Mrs. Styles’ husband?” he asked.

“Yes, you can call me Harry. What’s happened?” I asked while shaking his hand.

“I’m so sorry Harry,” He started. “Your wife suffered what we call an Obstetrical hemorrhage. This is heavy bleeding from a uterine rupture. It’s very serious for both mother and child.”

I heard the group emit a collective gasp at the words uterine rupture.

“Is my wife okay? Is the baby okay?” I asked frantically.

“Your baby is perfectly healthy,” he said.

Everyone is the room relaxed somewhat.

“What about Charlotte?” I asked.

He gave me a sympathetic look before continuing. “Charlotte lost a lot of blood on the trip here. We had to do an emergency cesarean section to save the baby. The anesthesia we used didn’t mix well with Charlotte’s low blood level, and she went into cardiac arrest.”

I heard the girls behind me break out into sobs and felt Louis’ hand on my shoulder.

“What?” I choked out.

“We managed to shock her back, but the only way to keep her alive was to put her into a medically induced coma,” he finished.

“You’re kidding me, right?” I said.

“I’m afraid not Harry,” he said.

“When will she wake up?” I asked desperately.

“It could take days, it could take weeks. It’s hard to predict,” he said.

I took a shaky breath. “Be honest, Doctor. Is there a chance my wife won’t ever wake up?”


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