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"Faelecia, I have free time now." My mother walked into my room. I've avoided everyone this whole day and just anticipated the walk with my mother.

"Okay, give me a few minutes to get ready..." I sighed, still feeling sad from the fight with Brendon. My mom nodded and closed the door, walking to the room where Brendon had been in all day. I'm guessing he was stress working or something close to that. I heard them speaking, but it was barely audible. They sounded happy. I got changed into some jogging clothes and walked out of the room. I knocked on Brendon's door, only to see my mother. I glared Brendon for a moment and smiled at my mother.

"Wanna go now?" She nodded and waved bye to Brendon. I rolled my eyes and heard typing on his computer, soon proceeded by his phone ringing. I grabbed my phone and placed it in my pocket.

"So... other than this morning, how have you and Brendon been?" She asked. I thought for a moment.

"It's like a fairytale! Most people always say that they mary rich for the money. I didn't do that! Brendon was intrigued by me from the start. And to see how much his love has grown for me is crazy! I love him with all my heart, even through our stupid fights. Even after he cheated on me." I smiled, thinking about Brendon.

"Wait, he cheated on you?" She was shocked.

"Yeah, but this reporter was blackmailing him into sex, and I forgave him after a day." She widened her eyes.

"Is something wrong?" She shook her head no, smiling at me.

"I never knew about that. But this morning, Brendon was talking about your wedding day, and how he almost threw up, because he was so nervous," she laughed, recalling the vivid memory, yet continuing, "he said 'I was so nervous that she was only playing me. I mean, how could a woman that beautiful and that perfect be marrying a man like me? Until I saw her face when she met me in the aisle'."

"Wow... I never knew Brendon felt like that! Well, he always made it obvious that he loved me. But, oh, he's so caring! And I'm only getting mad at him for blaming this all on Zoe! But I can't let this break us apart. Our family is already half gone..." I vented. I haven't vented since I lived with my mother.

"Yeah, you and Brendon are going to be fine. Your father and I had had more fights, bigger than yours. And I've never seen two couples so in love with each other." She smiled, causing me to grow one soon.

"But anyways, let's talk about you!"


We jogged back to the front of the house, after getting lunch and going to the mall. We just walked back, knowing that running with bags of clothes is too challenging. I opened the door and saw Brendon laying on the couch, taking a nap. His tie was loosened, his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and he was getting a little stubble. His snores were slightly audible, while his arm was slung off of the couch. His lips were parted and I saw a little smile tug at the end of them. 

"Shh, Brendon's asleep," I warned my mother, whispering as to not wake him up. I dropped my bags off into my room and threw on my pajamas. The thought of taking a shower popped into my head, but I dismissed it. I would just take one in the morning. I walked back into the living room and looked at Brendon again. He was a precious angel when he slept. I ended up just staring at him for roughly seven minutes before my mother shook me out of it.

"You're being weird, honey." She informed. I rolled my eyes and sighed. 

"He's my husband, don't you think I have the right to stare at him?" I retorted. I was tempted to just squeeze myself into his arms, but I was scared that he was still mad at me. After a long talk with my mother, I realized that I was being a little harsh, and then I forgave him. 

"Huh?" Brendon's eyes slowly opened, and a genuine smile played on his lips when he saw me.

"Hey babe..." he whispered in a raspy voice. I sat on the coffee table in front of the couch and ran my hand through his hair.

"How are you feeling?" He asked. I fixed his messy hair and put my hands back to my person.

"I feel way better. All I needed was to talk things out to find both perspectives. I'm sorry I got so mad at you, Brendon." He slowly got up and removed his tie completely. I watched as his hands perfectly tugged at it until it loosened thoroughly. I bit my lip and Brendon looked up, laughing at me.

"Come on, let's hug it out." He pulled me to his chest and hugged me for what seemed like an eternity. It was what I needed. Just to be held by the love of my life. He was the one who signaled that all of it was going to be alright. 

"We'll get through this, don't worry." He broke the hug and placed a kiss on my lips. I blushed and rubbed his stubble. 

"C'mon, let's watch a movie or something."

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