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Brendon grabbed my hand and gave it a light squeeze.

"I love you Faelecia!" He gave me a look of pure love. I blushed and kissed his jaw, since I was too short to reach his lips.

"I love you too Brendon!" We walked into the big office. Brendon walked up to reception.

"Appointment under the name Urie!" He flashed her his signature smile. She almost fainted. Like I swear, these desperate women get swooned over anything a guy does to them, it's crazy.

"Please take a seat sir!" She pointed to the set of chairs, shooting me a glare.

"Bitch!" I mumbled. Brendon chuckled and kissed the top of my head. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled his phone out. He scrolled through the news, and the first thing I say was "Is Faelecia Dubois pregnant?!" I sighed and closed my eyes, resting my head on Brendon's shoulder. He let out a breath he was holding in.

"Urie!" The doctor called out. I looked up and Brendon helped me up. I giggled. He doesn't know squat about pregnancy.

We followed the woman into a room, where she handed me a gown and let me go to the bathroom to put it on. When I was done, I sat on the chair and she started the examination.

It was a weird thing to be through. Brendon was sitting beside me, holding my hand the whole time.

"Alright, time for the ultrasound! The fetus is totally healthy!" She smiled at us. I read her name tag. Doctor Nelson. I smiled at her and she rubbed the cold gel on my stomach. I squeezed Brendon's hand as a reflex. He placed his hand on top of our intertwined ones and slowly rubbed it, making me feel better. Then we all looked at the monitor. There it was, a heartbeat. A baby. In my stomach. I felt my eyes start to sting. It was hard to keep in. Brendon swiped his thumb over my new coming tears.

"This is your baby!" She informed, pointing at the little peanut like shape on the screen.

"I don't see it..." Brendon whispered. I pointed at the white thing on the screen and explained what's what. He nodded and smiled at me, planting a kiss on my lips. I blushed and the doctor smiled at us.

"You two are sure a cute couple!" She commented. We both thanked her and she did a few more things with the sonogram.

"Well, your baby is the size of a ping pong ball." I giggled. The only thing running through my head was a little ping pong ball in my belly.

"But your baby is healthy and as long as you don't drink or smoke, or do anything to harm the baby, you should be fine!" She smiled and gave me my clothes back. I thanked her and quickly changed.

Brendon waited for me by the door.

"That doctor is so nice!" I hugged him. He hugged back, rubbing my back in the process.

"She is!" He retorted. I looked up at it and he leaned down to kiss me.

"Now let's get back to work!"

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