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I let out a small breath of relief and just looked at myself in the mirror. Today was it!

"Faelecia, your cue to come on is soon, just letting you know." Zoe said. She gasped as she saw me in the beautiful, white dress. I moved the veil over my face and smiled at her.

"You're... stunning!" Her jaw dropped. I giggled and looked at her in her peach coloured dress.

"Right back at you!" I pushed my curly hair out of my face as Zoe looked her arm around mine.

"Are you ready?" She asked. I took a deep breath in and nodded.

"Let's do this." I had my bouquet with me, and Zoe and I started walking. The music played as we got into shot. Brendon was all the way at the alter, a few yards away from me. He did rent out a huge hall just for this day.

"Okay, okay... I've got this!" I mumbled, smiling as I saw Brendon's wide smile. Zoe gave my arm a light squeeze. Every step felt like an eternity. Every second I saw his face made me wanna see him more. Seeing our kids in the crowd made me wanna tear up. I was overflowed with emotions.

"Hey babe!" Brendon whispered. I smiled through my veil and we connected our hands.

"Umm, where's the officiant?" I asked quietly, smiling nervously.

"Apparently his plane got delayed, he should be here anytime soon." He replied. I sighed and felt him give my hands a quick squeeze. Is that a nervous thing?

"You look f**king gorgeous! As beautiful as ever! My perfect wife!" He beamed. I looked at the crowd, whom were just watching us.

"Is anyone here ordained?" I asked out loud.

"I am!" My uncle slowly raised his hand.

"Well then maybe you might wanna h-" I was cut off by the officiant running in the church. 

"I'm so sorry! My plane was delayed and I just got here! But I'm here and that's what counts!" He got in his position and smiled at the two of us. I returned it, and Brendon kept a straight face.

"Brothers, sisters, we are gathered here today to celebrate the relationship of these two lovers. But love isn't just getting married. It's something you feel deep down, and that will always stay. Do we have vows?" He asked. I nodded as Zoe handed me the piece of paper.

"Brendon... I remember when we first met, I thought you were some stuck up, obnoxious, arrogant celebrity," he furrowed his eyebrows and let out a small chuckle.

"but I was wrong! You were the complete opposite. You cared for me, even though you barely knew me. You encouraged me to stay at your place, and if it weren't for you being protective of me, we wouldn't be here. I love you, with every single cell in me! With all my heart, and all my passion! You have completed the missing piece of me, and I could never be more grateful! Our love is an eternal thing. I will never stop loving you! I love you, Brendon Boyd Urie." I felt the tears try to escape my eyes, but I wouldn't let them. It wasn't a sad moment, it was a magical moment.

"Brendon?" The officiant questioned. Brendon pulled it out of his shoe, but then put it behind his back.

"Faelecia... where do I start? You have completely changed me. I used to be a man who didn't have anyone. I have you now. You're always there for me! I love you with everything in me. I would trade everything I had, just to be with you. I would give anything for you! You're too good for me! You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I couldn't ask for anyone better than you! You're just... everything!" He smiled. I felt a tear or two run down my cheek. Brendon stuck his hand under my veil and wiped them away.

"Can we do the rings now?" He asked out loud. Zoe quickly grabbed a red velvet pillow and passed the rings to Brendon and I. I slowly slid the ring on his wedding finger and watched as his smile widened. Then, he grabbed my hand softly and slid the ring slowly on my finger. I smiled and blushed.

"Now, repeat after me. I, Brendon Urie,"

"I, Brendon Urie," He repeated.

"Take Faelecia Dubois," the officiant said.

"Take Faelecia Dubois,"

"To be my lawfully wedded wife, until death do us part."

"To be my lawfully wedded wife, until death do us part." Brendon gave me the cutest look ever.

"Now, Faelecia." I nodded.

"I, Faelecia Dubois,"

"I, Faelecia Dubois,"

"Take Brendon Urie,"

"Take Brendon Urie,"

"To be my lawfully wedded husband, until death do us part."

"To be my lawfully wedded husband, until death do us part."

"You may now kiss the bride." He smiled. Brendon slowly pulled my veil over my face and pressed his hands to my cheek. I, instinctively, wrapped my arms around his neck as our lips pressed against each other.

I was frozen, and I was pretty sure time was frozen. Everything about this moment was perfect.

Everyone started clapping and I felt Brendon latch off.

"We're married!" He cheered. I giggled and we locked arms, running down the aisle, and into our new futures!

"I love the hell out of you, Brendon Urie!" I exclaimed.

"And I love the hell out of you too, Faelecia Urie!"

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