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"And now..." Brendon sighed heavily. "Time to talk about PDA in the work office."

I rested my head in my hand and just watched as my fiancé continued the power point.

"Mr. Urie! Two guys by the name of Dan and Warren are here to see you!" The receptionist ran into the office.

"Alright! Cancel everything. You all should know by now, no sex in the closet!" Brendon and I ran out of the room. I tried keeping up with his long strides, but my legs were too short.

"Why is this meeting so important?" I asked, trying to catch my breath.

"This guys want to make a deal with me, and I'm willing to see what they have to offer. If I win, I'll have a hotel Faelecia. A hotel!" He smiled, then continued, "I want you to take note of everything, alright? And be polite to these people."

"Alright! I got it!" I had my notepad and pen hugged against my chest. We both walked out and into the nearest conference room.

"Out!" Brendon ordered.

"But we're not d-" Brendon quickly slammed his stuff on the table and glared the man.

"I said out. Now!" He yelled. Everyone quickly scurried out, and Brendon picked up the phone, calling the receptionist.

"Send them to room seven o' four." He instructed. I sat down close by to him, but still kept a fair distance. After a few moments of watching Brendon fix his tie and un-wrinkle his suit, two men walked in. One looked surprisingly young and the second looked older.

"Ah, Dan and Warren, so nice to see you guys!" Brendon smiled. They nodded and shook hands with him.

"So, should we begin?" The younger one asked.

"We do have places to go, I'd love to get this done and over with." Said the older one.

"Alright! Well, I know you're a father-son business, and the hotel means a lot to you, but I think if you listen to what I have to offer, you'll rethink the hotel." Brendon started.

For the rest of the meeting, I had taken notes the whole time. Yawned approximately twenty five times, and drew a cute little drawing of Brendon, the twins and I in the corner. There wasn't really much to this meeting. Brendon would cut a deal, they'd give him a case scenario of it not working, and then Brendon would explain himself.

I just tapped my pen against my forehead, until I felt a huge rush come to my chest.

I'm lactating...

I looked down to see my bright blue shirt was becoming a dark blue where my chest was. I quickly covered it with my arm as I raised my hand. Brendon looked at me, shooting me a quick glare. I rolled my eyes as I felt more liquid come.

Where's that damn breast pump when you need it?!

I'm willing to offer a million and a half." Brendon stated. I took a deep breath in, exhaling loudly. Brendon then looked at me again, coughing loudly. I glared him and raised my hand. He ignored me and looked back to the men.

F**king answer me!

I closed my eyes and stabbed the pen into the notebook. It went through two pages, staining them with a black dot. Then all three of them looked at me. Brendon was shooting me many flares, and the two men were just curious to see what I was doing.

"Yes, but I mean, you're gonna make more profits than what you're going to give us..." the younger one said.

"Okay, two million and a half!" Brendon offered, trying his best to stay calm. I could feel the breast milk going on the table. I tried rubbing it, but all it did make my sleeve wet.

Way to go me...

"Now that's a deal I can make! You got the hotel Urie!" The older man cheered.

"Alright! I have the papers here, sign quickly, so we can leave." Brendon ordered. He handed them a small pack of papers and a pen. I still had my arms crossed over my chest, but there was the smallest puddle of white.

"What's that?" Brendon mouthed. I shot him a dirty glare and just started doodling on the paper.

"Here you go!" The man handed Brendon the papers.

"Thank you! Now enjoy the rest of your day!" Brendon smiled, the papers neatly in his hand. The men walked out and then Brendon stormed his way over to me.

"What's wrong? You were glaring me the whole time. And what is that?" Brendon asked. I sighed and just closed my eyes.

"Well! If you answered me when I raised my damn hand! Then maybe you would have realized that I needed to go to the bathroom since I'm f**king lactating right now! That's what that white stuff is! It's breast milk! But no! All you did was glare me when all I needed was to go to the bathroom! But here! Take your notes, I'm going back to the office!" I stormed out of the conference room and into Brendon's office. I looked in my bag for a bother shirt, or at least a sweater. The doors to the office slammed open and Brendon walked his way over to me.

"Look! I didn't mean to ignore you. It's just that those guys are complicated. But you can't just yell at me like that! It was an accident!" He retorted.

"Look at this! This is sad! I dealt with this for an hour Brendon! You put that stinkin' hotel before me, Brendon!" I replied sourly. I finally found a baggy sweater to wear.

"I didn't mean to babe! It was just, when I'm making a deal that's all that I'm thinking about! I'm sorry, I should have paid more attention to you." He apologized.

"Whatever... I'm gonna go clean this!" I was fuming as I stomped my way to the bathroom.

I pulled the sweater up and looked at the blue stains. I wiped them off, but nothing happened. I sighed and just removed the shirt completely. I felt my bra, which was soaked. I sighed and just walked back to the office.

"I'm sorry..." Brendon whispered.

"Whatever! I can't live in the past. Do you want a coffee?" I asked through grit teeth. He shook his head no.

"Now I don't even care that I got a hotel..." he mumbled. I just sighed loudly and put my dirty, wet shirt in my bag.

"If you take me home now to change and grab some little pads that soak things, then I'll forgive you. But only if you do it now." I said.

"Deal! Let's go!" He kissed me and then we both walked out of the building, hand in hand.

"I love you!" He smiled.

"I love you too!" I replied lovingly.

"Damnit!" I exclaimed, remembering something gross.

"What?" Brendon asked.

"No one cleaned up that breast milk..."

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