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The next morning, Zoe woke me up and we thought of the best plan for getting revenge on Brendon. I needed to get to work before seven A.M. and it was currently five thirty in the morning.

"Faelecia! Come on! I'm waking up early just for you, on my day off!" She shook me. I groaned and got up, hissing at the feeling of the cold floor touching my feet.

"Go get all cleaned up and come to my room after!" She ordered. I nodded and rubbed my eyes, going to the bathroom and splashing my face with cold water.

"That's better..." I mumbled. I walked out of my room and into Zoe's.

"Here, I already picked out your outfit for the day. It's a beautiful, white tank top with black stripes on it, and a pair of skinny jeans with a beautiful set of black three-inch heels." She showed off everything. I nodded and shrugged.

"You're the one with the taste for clothing! But, uh, can you drive me to work?" I asked. She nodded and gave me my clothes. I walked to my room and changed, looking in the mirror. I looked at my hair, seeing the dyed blonde.

"Zoe! Do you think I should dye my hair back to brown?" I asked.

"Is it what you want?" She asked.

"Yes, and I believe it can make Brendon want me more!" I replied. "Annnnnd, since you're a hairstylist, can you do it after I get home from hell, A.K.A. work." I rolled my eyes.

"Sure, are you dressed?" She asked. I walked out and into her room.

"This look good?" I asked, showing off everything. She nodded and smiled.

"You look like a bad bitch whom's ready to take revenge on her ex boyfriend!" She laughed. I laughed with her and she checked the time.

"Hey! We have an hour and a half, I could quickly dye your hair in an hour, if you want." She suggested.

"Let's do it!" I cheered.


After an hour and fifteen minutes, my hair was brown, washed, and blow dried.

"Alright, I packed you a lunch last night, so it's in the fridge, put on a little lipstick and mascara, and meet me downstairs in the parking lot.

"Kay," I nodded in response and ran to the bathroom to go put on my makeup. I smiled at my new hair colour and smeared the lipstick on my lips. I then brushed the mascara over my eyelashes. This is the fanciest I've ever looked, and it's all to piss of Brendon.

"Okay, I'm ready!" I yelled, forgetting she was out of the house. I laughed at myself and took my keys, my lunch bag and left.

"Alright, time to go!" Zoe cheered sarcastically. "Remember the plan. Don't let him get to you, no matter what he says, don't cry! Also, act like you don't care that you broke it off with him. And three, make it clear that you don't want to talk about personal matters. And keep it professional." She told me. I nodded and took in the information.

"Alright, we're here." She informed. Have a good day Faelecia, I love you!" She smiled, having me return it.

"Love you too, Zoe!" I closed the door and walked into the building. I signed my name on the paper and put the time I came in.

Now it's time to face Brendon.

I got into the elevator and clicked number eight, going up to that floor. I walked in front of the big doors and took a deep breath in, knocking on it.

"Come in!"

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