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(Let's play "Find the the Friends reference"!)

"Brendon! Brendon!" I panicked. He sighed and turned around in his chair.

"Yes? I'm signing contracts!" He looked at me. I was grasping the arms of the chair for dear life.

"I don't f**king care!" I yelled as loud as I could. "I'm f**king going into labour so help me up and get my ass to the hospital!"

His eyes widened and he ran to me, grabbing my hand and helping me up.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He scolded.

"Because you were too busy signing contracts!" I mocked his words. He chuckled and started yelling at everyone in the way.

"My fiancé's going into labour! Move!" We got on the elevator, and everyone just stared at me.

"Yes! I know! I'm leaking now mind your own business!" They all averted their gaze and I squeezed Brendon's hand.

"Good thing the babies decided to want to come out at the end of the work day, eh?" He smiled.

"Yeah, but I don't want one of my children being born at eleven fifty eight one day and the other being born at twelve o' two the next day!" I panicked even more.

"Faelecia, deep breaths, okay? Remember what the doctor told us?" He rubbed my back.

"Stress doesn't help!" I replied. He nodded and kissed my cheek.

"Good!" We walked off the elevator and got even more strange glares from the people in the lobby. I rolled my eyes at them and checked the time on my phone. It was five forty-nine. I'd only have to stay in labour for six hours. Hur-frickin-ray!

He helped me out of the building and into the car. I took deep breaths in and out, trying my best to stay calm.

"Brendon! Get your f**king ass in here! NOW!" I yelled. He jumped and did his seatbelt.

"Stay calm." He said, trying to make me chill.

"I'm sorry! Did someone come up to you and say 'Hello there! Is that your private area? MIND IF WE SHOVE THESE TWO POT ROASTS THROUGH IT?!'" I screamed. His eyes widened and he booked it to the hospital. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it.

"Ahhh!" I screamed.

"We're here!" He ran out and helped me get out of the car. He grabbed the suitcase that I had packed in the backseat, just in case of an emergency.

"Were doing it Faelecia! We're gonna be parents!" Brendon cheered, holding my hand as we both rushed into the hospital. Brendon bolted to reception.

"Hello! My wife is in labour and we would like a private room!" He cheered.

"I'm sorry sir, we only have semi-private rooms." She looked apologetic. Brendon sighed and dug into his wallet. He pulled out five one hundred dollar bills and slid it on the table.

"Maybe this'll help!" He winked at the receptionist.

"Sir, this is a hospital!" She scolded.

"Fine!" Brendon took the money and put it back in his wallet.

"I guess we're in a semi-private room!" He used the same mocking voice that I had used before. I sighed and waited for the receptionist to show us to the rooms.

"Excuse me? We're waiting for a room!" Brendon argued with the lady.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I thought that you were too good for a semi room. So I only assumed you would take your money and go somewhere else!" She retorted. I stormed up to her and grabbed her by the collar.

"Look lady! I'm having twins! Which means I'm twice as impatient for your bulls**t and twice more upset with your attitude. Show us to our f**king semi room or else you'll be the one needing a hospital room!" I threatened. She had a look of terror in her eyes and then she quickly walked us to a room.

"Here you go! The doctor will be right in." She quickly ran out.

"Wow! That was awesome of you Faelecia!" Brendon chuckled. I sighed and grabbed the gown they had.

"I need help changing! Would you mind?" I asked Brendon.

"Not at all!" We walked to the bathroom and he helped me throw it on.

"Here, let me help you get back on the bed." He suggested.

"I'm good, but thanks for caring. Text Zoe and tell her what's going on." I ordered. He nodded and grabbed his phone.

"Why hello there!" An unfamiliar voice chimed.

"Brendon," I whispered. "I think that's our new roommate for now..."

"Be prepared!"

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