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"Oh yeah! We can have a sleepover! Talk about boys and eat gluten free pretzels!" He did a valley girl voice and started dancing like a weirdo in the office.

"You need to chill." I told him.

"Yeah, I'm just happy." He stated. "Happy to have you back as my girlfriend!" I smiled and kissed him.

"And this time it's all commitment!" I cheered.

"For real?!" He seemed shock.

"Of course." I smiled. He picked me up and started spinning around.

"Alright, let's eat lunch!" He pecked my cheek before putting me down.

"I didn't expect this at all!" I said aloud.

"What do you mean?" He asked, taking the lid off of his salad.

"I came in here today, expecting to make you jealous and want me back. I didn't think that we'd be back together at all! But I'm still overly joyed to be with you." I explained.

"I totally understand. I wasn't even expecting you to come to work at all. Good job doing so." He chuckled. I smiled and moved my chair so I was sitting beside him.

"How is your desk so clean for someone so busy?" I asked. He let out a low chuckled, rubbing my arm with his hand.

"Are you kidding me? This desk is a mess." He said.

"No! It's clean as hell! You're just too much of a perfectionist." I laughed. He took a bite of his salad as I cut into my chicken.

"Touché!" We ate together silently, but it was a beautiful silence, filling the room.


"Okay, time to go to my place." Brendon stated.

"Well, we actually have to stop by mine first, it's on the way to yours, so why not?" I shrugged. He snaked his arm around my waist, walking out of his office.

"Everyone always glares me when they see us like this." I said through grit teeth.

"Like I said babe, jealousy." He replied the same way. We walked in unison to his car. He opened the door for me and jogged to his side.

"Finally, relaxation time." He sighed.

"Same, I'm tired." I stated. We drove in peace, holding hands while he drove with the free one.

"I love you!" I whispered.

"Love you too!" He replied, a smirk playing in between his lips. We pulled up to my apartment. Brendon parked the car and undid his seatbelt.

"Are you coming in?" I inquired.

"Yeah, she seemed mad. I'm not letting you in there alone." We got out of the car and started to walk our way to the apartment. Before I walked into the apartment, Brendon picked me up bridal style, then walking in. Zoe stood up, growing a frown when she saw Brendon.

"What's he doing here?" She snarled.

"He told me he wanted to come up here, and as adults, I thought you both could be mature. I'm gonna grab some stuff." I told them. She rolled her eyes and sighed. I walked to my room, and that's when the yelling began.

"Why are you even with her?! You cheated on her! She's too good for you, even if you're a high class celebrity!" She spat. I tried ignoring her, but it was hard. My best friend and my boyfriend are fighting.

"She forgave me and that's all! No need to get mad at me! It was her choice!" He defended.

"Ugh! Douchebags like you!" She called him.

"Call me whatever you want. I'm fine with it!" He remained calm.

"If I could call you whatever I wanted, you'd be here all day!" She yelled. I got my clothes and slammed them on my bed.

"Alright!" I screamed.

"You guys are both adults, but right now you're acting like you're five years old! So I'm going to leave with Brendon now! Stop fighting!" I yelled loudly. My voice echoed throughout the room, and I stormed out with all the things I needed for the morning. I stomped my way to the elevator, my hips swaying like crazy.

"Whoa! Sorry for that. As you saw, I was trying to remain calm." He said.

I sighed loudly, rubbing my eyes in fatigue. "Yes! I heard your loud conversation, I know who and who said what."

We walked to the car and I just closed my eyes the entire ride, yet I didn't fall asleep.

"We're here." He gently picked me up. I stirred, hugging the objects I was bringing. He managed to open the door to his house and he brought me upstairs. Placing me on the bed, he took my heels off and kissed my forehead.

"Night babe!"

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