Try Not To Be Burned To a Crisp

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Chapter 2

It was just Percy's luck that he woke up tied to a chair. Apparently dropping him into a different dimension wasn't enough for the fates. No, he needed to be strapped to some chair and held captive.

Percy felt ropes cutting into his wrists and ankles. His eyes flickered open to reveal a group of irritable looking men in strange outfits.

"I think he is waking up," a voice in front of him said.

Percy felt a sharp pain in his neck from the angle his head had been drooping.

"I want him fully awake for questioning before she arrives," a more authoritative voice replied.

Percy opened his eyes in time to see a wooden pail being thrown at him. He flinched away from the pail and was drenched by cool water. Relief flooded his muscles and Percy sighed. Cracking his neck, Percy felt stronger and more energized. Rolling back his shoulders, he tried to take in where the Fates had landed him this time.

Percy's mouth opened as his head leaned to one side.

He was in a large tent that was faintly glowing from the morning sun. For a space that normally would have been large, it felt small because of the large group of men in battle armor gathered around him. Their pointy helmets and layered armor made them look like diseased red pineapples. He couldn't help but stare intently at them.

What in the world would someone need pineapple armor for?

One of the men had even more pointed parts of his armor and stepped closer to Percy. He must have been super pineapple.

"What's your name?" He asked with a thick accent.

Rule number one of being held captive when tied to a chair, never give a real name. Even if surrounded by red pineapple people.

"Charles, Charles Beckendorf," Percy said.

"Charles? Strange name." He said.

"Strange name for a strange guy," Percy said with a smile.

"I would agree, you are quite strange." The man said looking at Percy's clothes.

"I could say the same, Super Pineapple," Percy muttered.


Percy snapped to attention, "What?"

The man shook his head and began pacing in front of Percy.

"I am Commander Pippin,"

Percy puckered his lips to try and keep from laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"Pippin!" Percy blurted, "Oh man, I am so sorry for you. That must have been a rough name to grow up with." Percy laughed and shook his head. "Why are you all wearing armor? No, no let me guess. You are cosplaying, right?" Percy asked laughed.

Pippin cocked his head.

"No, we are in the middle of a war," Pippin said.

Percy narrowed his eyes at him. The guy was serious.

"Wait, what?" Percy's eyes went wide. He was stunned, "With who?" It was Pippin's turn to laugh.

"Son, we are the fire nation. And we are at war with the Water Tribe and the Earth Kingdom and the Avatar." Pippin informed him.

Percy's jaw dropped.

Of all things to leave out of a conversation, his new friends decided not to tell him that they were major players in a war. How could a couple of kids be involved in a war?

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