Cuckoo For Coco Puffs

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Chapter 83

    Warily, Percy ran towards the wailing. He could hear goat bleats and shrieking, making him run even faster.

    He stopped as he entered the Satyr clearing to see a group of campers picking flowers. All of them had frozen in fear as a stocky satyr with no distinctive features charged at them. The group of kids was shrieking but for some reason didn't move. It was like watching a play with really bad actors. As the goat-boy barreled down on them his bleats and horrified face made Percy, himself frozen in his place.

    "MY FLORAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!" the satyr bleated.

    Suddenly released from the trance, the group of campers continued to shriek and then scattered. The satyr whizzed and dove to head butt any camper within reach then take off running towards another target.

    "YOU AWAHAHAHAFUL MONSTAHAAHAHAS!!!!!!" the satyr yelled at them, "KILLING INNNNNNNOCENT FLOWERSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he slammed his head into the back of one of the girls and she fell onto the ground. "THEY HAVE FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELINGSSSSSSSSSSS TOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he said, taking down another one.

    Suddenly the trees around him came to life and began singing.

"DUN DUN DUN, another one bites the dust!"

A guy hit the ground.

"And another one DOWN!" the trees sung as the goat boy charged.

The trees moved their limbs to their collective song and Percy backed away from them with wide eyes. Trees could dance???

Even through his confusion the kids were dropping like flies.

"And another one DOWN! Another one bites the dust!"

Only after the kids hit the ground would they sprint back to camp, continuing to scream.

The fantastical song continued until all of the campers had run away, leaving the satyr and Percy alone in the clearing. The satyr stood there, huffing and sucking in air. He smiled with what Percy assumed was pride.

"Good job...?" Percy said.

The satyr turned on him and began to charge, fury seeping back into his face. The trees started their chant again.


"Wait!" Percy said as he ran, "I didn't touch the flowers!"

The goat boy stopped and after putting a little distance between them, Percy stopped too.

"You didn't touch my flora?" the satyr asked, breathing hard.

"No!" Percy said, "Why would I ever . . . hurt poor flowers?"

The satyr began nodding in agreement, putting his hands on his hips.

"I KNOW!" the satyr said, "They kill more of them every day! I have to shoo them out of here by hitting them but they just won't stay away!"

Percy crossed his hands over his chest, "those  . . . savages."

The satyr nodded vigorously.

"I will not let them harm my babies," the satyr vowed, "How is the world supposed to live if stupid humans keep killing all my flowers?!?!?"

Percy shook his head, "I guess it . . . won't?"

"That's right!" the satyr said, stepping closer, "You are the first human with any sense!"

"Well thanks," Percy said.

"What is your name?"

"Per....ry," Percy struggled to remember.

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