Lorem's Team- Assemble!

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Chapter 70

    "I have sights on the door," Steve said out loud, knowing that his high-tech ear piece would pick up his voice.

    A man dressed in black tried to sneak up behind him. Steve saw him and with a few punches, he was down on the ground.

    "Good job grandma," Stark replied through the earpiece, "Now set the bomb and get out of there."

    Steve held his tongue and set the steel and wire contraption against the vault like door. He pressed the big red button on the top and ran into the bushes right before the door was blown to bits.

    "Door is clear," Steve said.

    "On it," Natasha said over the ear piece.

    From inside the building, he saw his red haired friend kick two guys out onto the ground outside the door.

    "Come on in, Cap, stop dilly dallying, we got work to do," Natasha said. Steve Rogers followed her into the building.

They were breaking into the second building in the world that had been rumored to be holding Loki's staff. Their mission was to find it, and send it back to Asgard, where, hopefully, they would be able to keep Loki under control.

    It was a proper fortress. The walls on the outside were all thirty feet high made with a dark rock that blended in well with the dark wooded area surrounding it. When Clint, Hawkeye, first saw it he had joked that it was like a castle. And he did that before he had seen the moat.

    Stark was somewhere up in the sky, hopefully dismantling the machine guns that almost clipped him on the way in. Hulk was still in the woods, keeping the reinforcements at bay with his green guy strength. Hawkeye was in one of the trees, watching their backs. Thor was inside searching for the staff, and Natasha was taking care of the guards.

    Steve's job had been perimeter patrol. He tried not to get irritated at his assignment.

    "Hey, Stevie, can you check out these small pun children who look very dangerous on the west side here? Thanks," Stark said into his ear piece, then he said more quietly, "That should keep him busy." Steve had to listen to almost everyone laughing through the ear piece at him.

    "Just for that, I am going to let those kids take you out," Steve joked.

    "Oh, man, watch out," Stark laughed, "Grandma, getting feisty." This encouraged more laughter.

    Steve began walking the perimeter again, ready to set the next bomb on a door that needed opening. "Hey, Thor, did you find the Staff? When you do, I would like to use it to blast Stark out of his special suit." Thor laughed.

    "When I do, we can do that together," Thor said, "I have checked each room, none have the staff."

    Stark was suddenly serious, "Check again."

    "Just did," Natasha said just as Steve heard a foot bust into a face. "The staff isn't here."

    Steve could hear some muffled curses that sounded distinctly Stark-like. Then he sighed.  "Start rounding up everyone. Natasha, could you get the green guy?"

    "Oh, in one of the rooms there were many white packages, they could be connected to the tesseract, should we take them?" Thor asked.

    "Thor, that was crystal Meth," Natasha said. Stark started laughing. Even Steve laughed at that.

    "What crystals are you speaking of?" Thor continued.

    "The kind that drug people up," Natasha said, "At least we can chalk this up to a super large drug bust."

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