Chapter 1

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THEYRE BACK!!!!!!!!!







Kate's POV

A day to competition! I cant wait, the nerves are definitely getting to me and the crew.

Lately, I've been skyping the boys and it feels like a part of me is missing. Like a part of my heart is gone. Not there. Shaded away in the depths of loneliness. (AN too much poetry, I know) "Boss! We got to go eat, we better fill up for practice tonight!" Ariella yelled.

"You dont have to call me boss untill practice and comp! You know that right?" I yelled back.

"Whatever! The hotel's breakfast is about to be served! Get your ass out of bed and get dressed. We're waiting!" she hollered at me. I groaned and slipped out of bed. I went into the bathroom with a new set of clothes. I stripped into my set I brought and pulled on my hightops. I put my old clothes away and left the hotel suite taking the room key with me.

"Glad you could join us!" Damon greeted with a slight smirk.

"Glad you have all of your teeth right?" I sassed back. He just smirked and plunged his fork into his eggs. "All day pracrice until 5. We need to get sleep before the comp tomorrow." I took my place next to Luke and leaned back into my chair.

"Not hungry ay?" he asked.

"I had a big dinner." I sighed taking a drink of my coke. Coke for breakfast. Yum. I layed my head back and closed my eyes. Tommorow is the big day. Tomorrow I go back with the boys. Tomorrow I leave everyone behind until Nationals if we make it. Tomorrow.


We have one hour left of practice then we hit the hay. "Ok, Silv, lean in a bit ot the landing." I told Silver.  She jumped the stairs and did as told landing perfectly. "That was perfect!" I cheered as she sighed in relief. "I think we have the competition in the bag!" we shared a qiuck laugh when my phone buzzed.

"Uh oh, fiancé alert!" she yelled to everyone. I immediately blushed big time and checked the caller ID. It wasnt anyone I knew.


"Katelyn Payne?"

"This is her."

"Hi, I'm David Carouse and I was just wondering if you were up for an artist contract. We specialize in artists like you. Its a college of course, so you wouldn't have much time with family and friends. Sorry to say. But we heard you have always wanted to go to college, so?"

"Can I get back to you on that? I have a lot planned for the next few weeks."

"But of course my dear! Take your time! See you around! Ta ta!" he hung up the conversation and I sighed falling backwards onto the grass staring at the sky.

"You know what?" I heard a voice. My head turned that way and I saw Willow.


"I was never into this whole idea of skating until I was introduced to it. I want to thank you for that." she smiled plopping herself next to me. "What did the fiancé say?" I smiled hitting her arm.

"It wasn't him. It was a stupid college give away to me. I really want to go and all for the art, but he said I wouldn't see you guys at all. I cant do that for four years Willow." I sighed rubbing my head that hurt from this confusion.

"Kate, if it's what you really want to do, then do it. If you love art and its a passion, go for it. But wait for the right time to come." I smiled and closed my eyes.

"Thanks Breezy." she chuckled and I stood up with her.

"They all look amazing!" she laughed. I crossed my arms and watched with a smile plastered on my face. "Oh dude, did you hear that Hollywood Uptown has a phone app now?"

"Great, another way to spoil my life endures." she laughed again and I grabbed my board. I slid into the pit and stopped in the middle wayching from below. "Zusk!" I called out. He showed up next to me almost imediately.

"Yeah Boss?"

"Download Hollywood Uptown for me on youe phone and keep an eye out for anything suspicious. If someone doesn't, we could be in grave danger." he nodded and downloaded the app with ease.

"May I ask why?"

"Something around those bushes tells me something is not right. Theres one section that is plain plastic looking." he squinted looking at the bushes.

"They do. Ok, I'll keep an eye out for you. Anything else?"

"Just be ready for tomorrow." he nodded and ran off to practice I assume.

"Boss?" I heard my 'name' called.


"Guess who came crawling back to the crew!" I turned around and saw a face I haven't seen in quite a while.

"Well if it isn't lil' old Dominic, then I'll be darned. Why are you here?"

"First question, how are you boss?" he sneered. If I could swipe that smirk of his pweet wittle jack ass face, then I would.

"Atleast she teaches us stuff unlike you!" Draco stepped in. You see, Dominic was the old crew chief if you please. He never taught us anything. No wonder we never won any compititions. The past four years have been easy.

"Awe little Damon sticking up for a whore! How sweet. Katelyn, hows that boyfriend of yours?" Seriously! Do these people live under a rock?!

"Corection, soon-to-be-husband if you do. And hes fine. How about that behemoth you call a girl?" I heard a few burms and wheels against the asphalt. His pack of wild animals showed up behind him.

"Need me to take her out Lion?" see? Animals!

"Nah, I'm good Tiger."

"Well, aint it Katelyn! How you doing old school mate?" that voice, it cant be-


DRAMAFIED first chapterish. Enjoy! Another 5 votes for the next chapter, as usual!



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