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by sloanranger

So Tommy doesn't say too much after we get into the cab.

"Got any stops or you just wanna go home?"

"Just home," I say.

He doesn't say anything more until we pull up to the curb in front of my little house.

"You're awful quiet today," I say.

"Yeah," he agrees.

"That was real nice, what you did for Freddy."

He's just setting in the front, not turned around looking back over the seat at me like he usually does.

"He's a nice guy," he says to the windshield.

"Yeah, he is," I say.

He gets out of the cab then and opens the door for me.

I'm looking for my change purse when he says:

"But it wasn't him I did it for, Molly."

And he gets back in the cab and takes off before I can pay him.

(To be continued).

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