Molly...forty one

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Molly...forty one 

 by sloanranger

Christmas was so sad. I mean it.

Tommy tried real hard to cheer me up and make it nice. His folks are gone now but his married sister Connie makes Christmas dinner every year and this year she invited me, too.

Dinner was delicious. I brought a sweet potato pie but she wouldn't let me help in the kitchen with anything. You could tell she'd been cooking all day. She had roasted a large hen stuffed with cornbread and walnut dressing and there was mashed potatoes, too...and succotash - lima beans with fresh corn - and cranberry sauce and homemade buttermilk biscuits.

She's married to a real nice guy named Will and they have the sweetest little baby girl. Well, she's starting to walk so I don't know if you can still call her a baby or not. But she's so cute, with lots of brown curls on top of her head like her Mom.

She kept running to me, or rather running, falling, getting up again, and laughing the whole time until she finally made it and I'd catch her.

Everyone was so happy. But all I could think of was Freddy. The rat.

And in a couple of days its gonna be St. Valentines's Day. Christmas was hard  enough, but this... I don't think I can take it, I don't.

And Tommy knows... I just know he knows.

(To be continued).

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