Molly...thirty seven

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Molly...thirty seven

by sloanranger


"Yes, your mother. How is she?"

"Oh, she's gonna be fine, I think. Well, the doctor thinks so. We thought she'd have to have an operation for awhile but he says, prob'ly not now."

"How come he changed his mind, Henrietta?"

"Well, it was her heart and he got a second opinion from some fancy specialist. And the specialist said if she rests good for a while, she should be all right – it wasn't as bad as our Doc, thought."

"Oh," I say, "that's good. I'm really glad she's going to be all right, Henrietta."

"Yeah, we are, too," she says. "Molly, I still can't believe he'd break-up with you."

I don't say anything.



"Now I know why Freddy's acting funny," she goes on, "you want me to talk to him?"

"Oh, no, Henrietta – please don't even tell him we talked, Okay?"

She waits for a minute but finally says, "Okay."

(To be continued).

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