Molly... thirty two

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Molly...thirty two

by sloanranger

Well, I don't feel so good but I guess I look all right. So, after a minute I decide to take in a matinee; it's Wednesday and ladies get in half price.

There's a Jimmy Cagney film playing, The Roaring Twenties. I don't care what anybody says, Cagney is cute. Not handsome maybe, but darn cute - and he can dance like the dickens. Bogart is in it, too and that sweet Priscilla Lane.

I think about maybe going to Frank's to get some groceries, but I don't want to get them till after the movies, so off I go.

The picture show was really good, but as I was coming out of the movies I was sniffling a little - it had a really sad ending.

It's starting to get dark already, it's February and the days are still pretty short. I hurry and walk fast the three blocks to Frank's. "Molly, its so good to see you," he says when I come in. He's leaning on his broom and squeezing my hand with his free one.

"You look tired. You been sick, Molly?"

"Just a cold, Frank," I reply. "How's Betty and the boys?"

"Good, good, but you need to get some rest, Molly, okay?"

I squeeze his hand back and say: "I will Frank, I promise. Anything on special?"

(To be continued).

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