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by sloanranger

All of a sudden he swerves the cab over to the curb. He turns around and leans over the seat. "I said, what's up? "

"For crying out loud, don't stop. My boyfriend's in trouble!"

He just looks at me for a second then he turns back around.

"Okay," he says and pulls back into traffic. "But tell me, what kind of trouble?"

"Union, I think."

He focuses on traffic for a minute, then grabs the handset of the radio. "Mike, how many cabbies in the neighborhood of Benson Freight?"  

I hear a crackling noise and a voice says: "Six."

"Have 'em all meet me there, on the double."

Again the crackling noise from the radio and the voice replies: "MacAdams Street?"

Tommy says, "Right," and hangs the handset up.

"What are you doing? " I say.

"Let's hope, nothing," he replies. I've never seen him be serious before; he looks angry.

(To be continued).

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