4th of July Special~

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Oh say does that star spangled banner yet wave

In the land of the free

And the home of the brave

One minutes passed midnight, July 4th, the stars illuminated the dark sky just like they illuminated the blue of the American flag. The cool night air brushed against the Lone Star State’s face as he sat hunched over on his truck, staring at the grass blades as they moved with the wind.

Two hundred thirty-six years.

Two hundred thirty-six years of independence.

Two hundred thirty-six of a nation that could only continue to grow.

And only continue to become better.

Texas lifted his head to look at the stars once more, inhaling slowly and holding his breath. Millions… millions of stars in the sky. Still, he could only see one. The brightest, most amazing star in the sky. His country and his salvation. His heart and his soul. America was the only country he needed.

Sliding swiftly off the bright red pick up truck, Texas gently pulled open the door and lifted himself inside. Suddenly, something caught his eye. Mexico stood by the fence surrounding Texas’s many acres of land with a small red box in his hand. Texas squinted in the dark, examining from afar the sparkling blue ribbon with white lining that glittered in the night. Mexico squeezed the box slightly. The usual smile didn’t decorate his face. His brown eyes pleaded.

Texas reached behind him, pulling his rifle from the back and holding it in front of him, finger dwelling near the trigger. Slowly, the young state lowered his weapon. His lips twitched. “Mi… hermano.” He spoke lightly, voice high and vulnerable. He gracefully placed the rifle in the trunk. “Today…” He stared at Mexico wearily. “I’ll call you that. Because you may think I’ve forgotten… how this nation was formed.”

Texas extended his hand and Mexico seemed to be breathing heavily as he gripped the hand with his own. “Texas…” the older country related softly.

Texas’s lips formed a warm smile. “This…This America…

Was formed by immigrants

A land of the people

For the people

By the people.”

Texas pulled his brother into a tight hug, blushing slightly. He squeezed his eyes shut. “And the last time I checked. You were a person. And somewhere in this country are people like you… me… America has the world within it. Happy Independence Day, Mexico.”

Suddenly, Texas twitched. Mexico grabbed the state’s face and kissed him on both cheeks, grinning madly. “Happy Independence Day, mi pequeno-“

Texas shoved him away as Mexico continued to gush. The Lone Star State hid his burning face with one hand as he bluntly pointed to his truck. “Shut up, and get in!”


“New Jersey! Hand me a few more burgers. We’re grilling aren’t we!?” Pennsylvania’s voice rang out from the backyard of his home and bounced off the walls into the kitchen. New Jersey removed the cigarette from his lips, pulling off the spot where he leaned on the counter and exhaling in his younger sister’s face.

“New York.” He said, tapping the cigarette lightly with his pinky. “We need more burgers.”

New York glanced at her older brother, scowling deeply. “He asked for you.”

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