Chapter 10: Information Central!

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(A/N: Hey, people! I think I really improved my writing and description skills since the last time you heard from me. I like description, but I don’t include as much as I do in my originals, in my fan fiction! So I’m going to write the way I usually would. Tell me if you prefer the other way <333 I’ll go back right away! ‘Course, I’ll still write this way in my original stories ;3)

Blue sapphire eyes watched safely from behind a glass as the sky cried miserably onto the ground, soaking every inch of concrete. Their owner sighed, clutching her coat tighter, and turning to face the two closest friends she’d ever had. The older one, a curly-haired blond with eyes of emerald, smiled calmly, tightening her grip on the youngest, a young woman with long black hair and dark chocolate eyes. Together, they formed an all-American Trio.

“We’re going to do a ghost hunt in the rain?” Hawaii questioned, frowning as a shiver ran its course along her spine. The Hawaiian summer heat on the island of Oahu filled her memories, warming her blood. “I don’t like the cold.”

Georgia gazed through the glass doors of the main entrance, spreading her lips into a weary smile. “I think rain is good. It washes away tension.” She added, trying to shed some light on the situation. Unfortunately, Ms. Hawaii would have none of that. She bit her lip and narrowed her eyes. “It causes tension, too.”

A light chuckle escaped New York’s lips. “I like rain. I see it all the time in the city. Either way…” She nodded her head towards the gentlemen slowly making their way to the lobby. “We’re here. We paid our dues. We might as well go on the trip, suck it up, and enjoy it.”

As she said this, Italy Veneziano ran through the lobby, pulling her into a bone-crushing hug (How he was suddenly able to have a grip was a mystery). New York patted Italy’s back lightly. “Hey, Italia. Where’s your brother?” she questioned, surveying the group that had come forward. Spain and Florida were there, though Florida didn’t seem to be enjoying having Spain’s arm wrapped around her. Massachusetts was there, talking to America. Both were being yelled at by England (who was probably annoyed because they were ignoring him). Germany and Japan were there, but for some strange reason, they had approached neither Hawaii, nor Georgia. Taiwan was there…China was there…

But no Southern Italy. He didn’t ditch her did, he?

Italy tilted his head slightly. “Fratello?” he questioned, sounding genuinely confused. “He was supposed to be here? I haven’t seen him all day, bella.”

New York sighed, lowering her head a bit. “I saw him early. It’s not really important or anything.” She muttered under her breath, switching her gaze to the falling rain outside. Mother Nature really knew how to set a mood. The falling rain could now be heard from inside the hotel, as it quickened its pace, drumming against the hard cement pavement. New York’s lips curved into a small smile. How do you greet an unknown feeling?

Germany glanced at Japan and cleared his throat. “Japan…”

Japan’s features twisted in what seemed to be agonizing pain. His once distant gaze became desperate, but he nodded anyway. “Go ahead…Georgia-san is waiting. Please apologize to Hawaii for me.” He paused, fingers clenching tightly into a fist. “Just tell her….Watashi wa…I am…never mind. Just tell ‘Gomen.’ I hope she can forgive me.”

Germany stiffly nodded, saluting as he walked away. He tapped Georgia’s shoulder lightly, sending her a small smile as she turned around. “Are you ready to leave?” he questioned strongly, pronouncing every word carefully. He then turned to Hawaii. “He says, ‘Gomen’. Please do not hold him at fault.”

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