Chapter 9: Nothing Comes Easy

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Hawaii sat at the table, leaning carefully over the stack of documents. She brushed her hair back irritably. “Why do we have to take them to our homes?” she hissed underneath her breath. Georgia slurped her peach smoothie noisily, ignoring Hawaii’s question for a good minute before replying.

“Can’t say, hun.” She chirped. She gazed at the waiter walking up to the table and offered her best smile. “Well hey there! We’re ready to pay, if that’s okay with you. Don’t keep us waitin’ too long, now!”

Hawaii lightly ran her nails along her face, gaping at Georgia. ‘How can she be so friendly? Sometimes you just wonder…if she remembers any malice from the past’ she thought a bit bitterly. It wasn’t possible for a country to have never seen a dark day…and in truth weren’t states formerly countries? Even if the U.S states weren’t forced to join America in the growth of his country, they’d all been somewhere before they became who they were today.

Hawaii propped her elbows on the table and rested her head on one tight fist. “Georgia, do you ever feel sad?” she questioned, eyes shining with curiosity. Georgia turned back to her and Hawaii saw a whole new side of her. Georgia’s jaw was set tight, her green eyes were dark and narrowed, and her lips were pulled into a grim frown. She glared at the ground, running one finger along the table.

“Oh, hun…” she murmured darkly, voice low and barely polite. “Everyone’s had some tough times…I can’t let myself suffer can I? All those buildings destroyed…you weren’t here for the civil war…and I don’t remember what happened. Notice Atlanta’s buildings are all new? Well, those are like my memories…all new…with nothing left of the past…”

Hawaii began to shiver and sweat, flinching fro, the pure malice rolling off Georgia’s tongue. She shifted uneasily in her seat. Instantly, Georgia went back to her sunny, bright self, laughing. “Calm down, hun. Sorry for scaring. I just get touchy on the subject of…sadness.” As she muttered the last word she visibly clenched her hand.  Her smile became tight and forced. “Just a bit touchy. Let’s just pay and leave. I know New York was checking out the art galleries…we should find her and do something fun!”

Hawaii allowed herself to rest and grinned. “Yes!” she answered ecstatically. “Did she mention which section of the art gallery?”

Georgia tapped her chin unsurely. “No, she didn’t say. She looked very…stressed. I think she’s clearing her head. Should we wait a few minutes?”

“I think that’s very wise, Miss Georgia.”

“Oh, hun…”

~With New York

New York sat on a bench, smiling to herself as she ran the pencil over a page from her sketchpad. At a time where everything was confusing and wrong, only in a few certain places could she be calm. One of those places was one she’d traveled to often. She always loved visiting France and roaming Paris. It was a shame she hadn’t spoken to France for so long. They hadn’t shared any ideas, either. As she became engrossed within her thoughts, her right hand hastily danced across the page. Finally, she held and breath and allowed herself to see reality.

On the once blank paper was now a heavily detailed sketch of upstate New York. New York’s lips stretched into a thin line.  The peaceful side of her hectic state. The quieter version of herself she didn’t often display. A light chuckle echoed from New York’s throat. She knew what Georgia would say if the older woman had been listening. ‘Hun, sometimes I wonder why I can’t get that side of you to talk more often. You’d be a lot less of a pain! Guess I’m responsible for you either way!’

On that note, New York carefully closed her sketch pad and stood, stretching. She began to walk down the corridor, hoping to find Georgia and Hawaii still at the restaurant. Suddenly, something stopped her in her tracks. She stared at the figure, wondering why he’d ever be in a place like this. She thought of calling to Romano, but he was alone and seemed to be in deep thought. New York pursed her lips and sat on a different bench. It seemed as though it would be awkward to pass him on such circumstances, so she would wait patiently for him to leave.

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