One Shot Dos) Massachusetts x Angloterre~ Dark

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Massachusetts panted, trying to control her heartbeat. The man, she loved, or thought she did was coming for her. "Oh Massie" he called, in an uncomfortably close distance.

"This little game is going to have to end sometime" he said pushing further into the forest, slowly getting closer to Massachusetts. Massachusetts felt her heart stop when she sensed him right in front of the tree, she was hiding behind.

 "Massie I can smell you, you smell so sweet" England said in a seductive tone. Massachusetts felt shivers run down her spine at those words, she really did love him but. Suddenly, she felt him inch closer "Massie you can't hide forever" he said. Somewhat far away there was a rustle near one of the trees.

"Found you" England said running towards the location. Massachusetts let out a small sigh of relief and lifted up herself from the base of the tree to run away. Someone could help her, could help him.... "Now, love, did you think I was stupid" a voice said thick with an English accent. Massachusetts sprang from her hiding place to run. But, soon found herself pushed into the base of the tree. "Now, Now love no need to be so upset" he said arms trapping her against the tree preventing her escape.

Massachusetts tried her hardest to break free. She scratched at his arms, punched him in the chest. But, everything was futile he had taken away her strength just by being so close to her. England getting annoyed by her effortless attempts, grabbed both her wrists and preventing her from fighting him. "Calm down, I won't hurt you love" he said with false sincerity. Massachusetts felt herself begin to cry from both fear and a broken-heart, she loved this man and he just manipulated, so he could add her to his collection of dead girls.

As she sobbed, England brought her into his chest and kissed her, still holding her wrists in his painful grip. Massachusetts wanted to run and scream for help but, she couldn't, not with him being this close.

Slowly, England let go of her wrists and tested her watching what she would do. But, Massachusetts continued to sob into his chest, hands grabbing onto his shirt. The shirt, skin, and scent all belong to England but the mind didn’t it betrayed her, used her. Massachusetts felt her knees get weak from her dark thoughts.

She sank to the floor, dragging England down with her, her tears never stopping. England cupped her chin, tilting her face towards his. "Please, love tell me what you want" he said with a sad smile, looking almost like the England she knew, she loved. Massachusetts looked into his eyes, a dull color filled with hatred, not the ones of her England.

 "I want my England back"

"Your England?" he said softly almost as if he understood "Your England" he said voice filled with rage.

 Suddenly, Massachusetts was on the ground with a stinging red hand mark on her face. "YOUR ENGLAND IS GONE, HE WAS WEAK, SUBBORN, SELFISH, AND ARROGANT" he shouted producing a knife, blade glimming in the moonlight. "HE MAY HAVE BEEN THOSE THINGS BUT I LOVE HIM" Massachusetts shouted as England raised the knife to strike.

 Massachusetts winced back, this was it, and she was going to die... at the hands of her lover. Nothing happened; slowly she opened one eye, to see England hovering above her crying. Cautiously she stood up. "What do you mean love?" England said slowly pronouncing every word. "I-I love him because I know he's still there" She said gently approaching him.

England looked at her; his eyes had changed from hatred to sadness. He dropped the knife and fell to his knees "Oh Massie how could I have been so blind" he said, crying into his hands. Massachusetts scrambled to him, hugging him "It's ok, England, we can go back and get you help' England let her bury her face, his chest.

"T-then we can be together" she said, crying once again but, this time with joy, she was going to get her England back. "Together" England repeated. Suddenly, Massachusetts felt a sharp pain in her back. England then dropped her to reveal a knife covered in blood her own blood. "Together forever" He said as the world around Massachusetts began to fade. The image that would forever haunt her was the last thing she saw... Those crazy eyes.


Hey Lambchop here

Sorry I haven't been giving you peoples stories

I've been busy and stuff

But, here's a Dark Engand and Massachusetts one

Next (hopefuly) will be a Germany x Georgia one

I would do them in order but Steph (AgelessWithinTime) has been up my ass about giving it to her for you people to read.

Sorry Again and I hope to give you guys more in the future


P.S. Never stop harassing said author about updating she is a lazy bum who won't listen to me!


(A/N: I was going to thank Lambchop >.> But she insists on harassing me x3 Either way, thanks for reading! I didn't edit Lambchop's work, and I doubt she edited it! Anyway, I shall update the main storyline soon xP I already got a cookie so it must be done! Thanks for reading again! I love dark stuff >:3 I'm just strange xP)

(A/N 2: By the way, if you're wondering who Lambchop is, she's a friend...and she insists on harassing me about updating. I owe a lot of posting to her harassment ;3)

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