Ch. 1 Meet the World Outside Your Box

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(A/N: I own nothing that belongs to the original Hetalia creator. I just own the OCs like Georgia and New York <3)

~With the States. Waiting for the first meetings to start in the auditorium~

“Texas, hun, you look like the floor’s about to crack open and swallow the one thing that gives you joy in the world. Why so down?” Georgia questioned the younger state. New York snickered loudly, not even flinching as Texas glared at her. “He’s just mad because the ‘enemy’ is on U.S soil! What Texas? Are you scared of having your ass handed to you!?”

Texas stood up, his eyebrows furrowed and gritting his teeth. “You shut up! Damn it all, it’s not funny! They’re planning right now to end me! You saw! Why do you think Mexico is always trying to jump across my fence!? He roared. “Them outsiders aren’t getting’ me! No ma’am, they’re not getting me!”

Hawaii shrank back at Texas’s rage. “Texas, sir, don’t you think we should give them a chance?” she whispered, trying to avoid confrontation. Texas’s gaze snapped to her. “You’re one to talk! Pearl Harbor has left your mind that quickly, huh!?”

New York shot up and kicked over a chair, a threat to the much larger state. “Texas, don’t go there…” she warned, voice low and irritated. Everyone was a bit worried over the countries arrival. Georgia looked back and forth between New York and Texas, who were now glaring into each other’s eyes with deadly intent.

“Now…New York, Texas…calm down. New York, go get yourself a coffee and calm down, okay? Texas, sit down and be a man! We don’t want anything to start today!” Georgia said in a strict tone. It didn’t sound malicious, but anyone who knew Georgia well enough knew she expected to get respect. If not…

New York was the first to relax. “Fine…I’m sorry, dude. Let’s cool it.”

Texas followed reluctantly. “Yeah…calm. Above and beyond this…where’s that snobby Northern boy you always talkin’ to!? If he cut…”

“Pennsylvania hasn’t gone anywhere!” New York said frowning. “He’s actually getting something to eat. What did you expect at five in the morning!? Why’d they make us get up so early anyway!?” New York picked up her knapsack and grinned. “I’m, hungry too actually. Going to grab something…”

“More like the whole table.” Georgia said, sweat dropping. New York rolled her eyes, but smiled all the same. “Just for that, I’m not bringing you anything but crumbs.”

Hawaii laughed lightly. “You all are just evil to each other.” She said, blushing. “I’m happy to an American state.”

“You’re American!?” Texas roared eyes wide. Hawaii ignored him. “So, New York, you were getting coffee?”

“And FOOD!” New York corrected. “I hope it’s good food, too. I don’t want Texas’s southern crap. You know, I always wondered why Southerners were so fat, you know even though they live on the brink of modern civilization. Roasted any good squirrels lately Texas?”

Texas reached down for his rifle, but was stopped by Georgia’s hand. “Hun, if you shoot her, she’ll probably just come back with more to say. People that annoying just won’t die.”


Hawaii laughed at her friends’ bickering. She felt that same warm feeling creeping into her stomach as when she became a state. Even though she was a tropical place and far from the main land, she finally had friends, friends who brought her to see everything they had to offer. Even if they occasionally broke out into fights, or called each other “hillbilly”, “Yankee”, “buck-toothed sasquatch”, or “Ice Queen” (poor Alaska), they got along well enough to laugh and enjoy each other’s company.

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