Ch. 15~ The Second Player Meets the First

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Hawaii’s brown eyes gleamed wildly in the dark as her thin fingers slid along the new documents. Her heart-beat slowed to a rhythm similar to that of a gentle, swaying lullaby. Her eyelashes fluttered fiercely. She shuttered visibly, stiffening her muscles when she felt herself beginning to fall. She pressed her palms painfully against the harsh wooden desk’s surface.

Answers, Answers. No time for sleep.

It had been three days since she’d last slept. Water streamed from her abused eyes involuntarily.

“Hawaii-san… this is not healthy.” Japan’s voice was a sonic boom in Hawaii’s fragile ears after the strain of three days. She hastily covered them, pressing her fingertips against her head. “Softly…” she pleaded in a whisper. She didn’t turn to face him. “Talk softly.”

Japan’s eyebrows furrowed upward in a worried expression. He frowned. “Hawaii, tell me what you’ve been doing for the last few days.” He said gently.

Hawaii’s lips pulled into a weary smile and she glanced at Japan from the corner of her eye. “I can’t.” she stated blandly. Japan blinked, reaching for her hand. His heart pounded painfully in his chest as Hawaii’s darted her hand away. Her smile dropped, and she turned back to her work. “You can’t know. It’s not safe, Japan. D.C would slaughter me.”

Japan’s eyes darkened slightly. “Slaughter…you?” he inquired.

Hawaii sniffled, rubbing a fist on her face. She inhaled deeply, exhaling as she spoke.  “Not literally… but they won’t be happy, I’m sure.” She gave a bitter smile, the sleepy tears streaming from her tears once more. “Sorry… I’m not trying to cry… they aren’t real tears, I promise. Just my eyes keeping themselves moist.” She tensed. “I’m not supposed to tell you any more than that.”

Japan was about to respond, when he felt the cool blade of a sword on his neck. He gasped, opening his mouth to warn Hawaii, but was struck over the head silently and pulled away in a flash. Hawaii turned her head at the sound of something being dragged away, only to see the same Japan she’d always seen standing there. In the dark, she couldn’t see the subtle difference, as her tired eyes couldn’t tell them apart.

The black, navy-blue uniform, the glowering red eyes… Hawaii didn’t see them at all. In fact, she squinted to see him at all. “Japan… don’t break anything, please.” She groaned. 2p! Japan didn’t smile, but gave a stiff, slow nod. “Tell me about your government.” He demanded bluntly as she turned around.

Hawaii stared at the documents on the table as she spoke, voice crackling as she yawned. “Ah~ What about the government?” she questioned airily. 2p! Japan’s eyes darkened to a threatening crimson. “The different parts… elaborate on what you said before!” he snapped impatiently. Hawaii frowned, but didn’t turn to face him. “Well, that was rude… have you been awake for three days, too?” she grunted. None the less, she explained.

“Well, when we, the states, refer to D.C, we know we’re all talking about all three branches of government, which each have their own personification. The Executive Branch, Legislative, and Judicial. The Executive Branch, we just refer to him as E.D.C (Executive District of Columbia), is a bit scary. He’s very secretive sometimes. I mean, he’s so quiet. At Presidential Events he’s just there… in the shadows… watching. Btu when he has to talk to the states, he has such power in his voice… you feel like you have to listen to him. It’s absolutely terrifying. However, when he smiles, you feel really good about yourself, especially if it’s directed at you and is sincere. He is a very good motivational speaker.”

Hawaii paused, tilting her head to stare at the ceiling. “The Judicial Branch, or J.D.C (Judicial District of Columbia), is a bit more open. People always have to convince her in court, and she’s very open to thought, though swift in carrying out justice. She is probably the most capable of showing emotion, but is very serious during work. She appreciates honesty and detests liars. She judges how laws are interpreted and should be carried out, while E.D.C enforces the laws. The last branch is the Legislative Branch… L.D.C… he makes the laws. He’s not as stiff as E.D.C, but he takes pride in creating the laws, and doesn’t like when his laws are disobeyed because he works hard to create them.  He likes to see order. He’s created a few funny laws to lighten up the states at times, but he can become very irritated at times.”

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