Chapter 14~ A Lie a Day Scares the Truh Away

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“You know, the reason I’m so awesome… is because I drink beer.” Wisconsin’s teeth gleamed as she glanced at Prussia from the corner of her eye. It had been an entire week since the beginning of the trip to the states’ homes and every night both she and Prussia had made their way through the dark into a bar and chatted up a storm.

Wisconsin rested her head on the table and removed a small silver wrapped item from her coat. “Cheese?”

Prussia grinned. “Cheese und beer, ja? Sounds good!”

“It is…” Wisconsin agreed with her mouth full. She swallowed hastily. “So Prussia, what’s up with West, huh? You guys still close?” she questioned, absent-mindedly tapping the empty wrapper in attempt to find a remainder for her to eat. Wisconsin sniffed, finding none. Prussia’s eyebrows furrowed upward and he smiled bitterly, hunching over his beer a bit. “Of course! I live in his house now! I miss being able to go out and be a country on my own… but I can still see my friends! And no boring conferences, kesesese~” He finished with a wide flashy grin.

Wisconsin snorted a bit before throwing her head back and laughing. “You’re a riot!” she chuckled, throwing her arm around the much older individual. She poked his cheek. “I’ve got plenty of Germans in my house… Prussians included. You could stay… if you promise to accept cheese.”


“Thou shalt not mock they cheese-eating friend! Eat cheese!”

Prussia bit his lip, but ended up cackling anyway. He clutched his stomach and ruffled Wisconsin’s hair. “Cheese it is, ja~? And we will drink beer?”

“Until we drown in it!”

“Then we are in agreement!” Prussia chided, shooting up from his seat with determination. Suddenly, the door to the bar opened and the two watched as a figure slinked into the building from the storm outside. Wisconsin’s eyes widened a bit as North Korea shook his head to dry it. She looked to Prussia, who was slowing raising his hand to get the Asian country’s attention. Quickly, Wisconsin grabbed Prussia’s hand and led him to the back. She covered his mouth and pressed a finger to her lips.

“Don’t talk, Prussia! They told all the states to keep an eye out…” she muttered.

Prussia blinked at the hands covering his mouth before opening his mouth and biting one of them. Wisconsin glanced at him, unfazed, opened her mouth, and bit her arm. Prussia chuckled behind her hand. Wisconsin smiled. “Now we’re even.” She snapped her attention back to North Korea… Where was Nevada?

“O-O-Oregon… are you sure we should be sneaking around like this?” Canada whispered, lightly placing his hand on Oregon’s shoulder. Oregon turned to look at him for a moment, smiled weakly, and then turned back to what she was doing. Her fingers gently brushed the contents of the suitcase. She grimaced. “Look at this! Somebody doesn’t know what environmentally friendly means…” she muttered, tossing one content onto the floor.

Canada blushed slightly, trying desperately to raise the urgency in his tone. “Oregon, North Korea won’t like that!”

“Do you think I want to search his stuff, Canada? I’m sorry!” Oregon sang, waving off Canada’s worries. Orders were orders. D.C did not joke. The three branches of government gave the command. It was up to the state to carry it out. The only thing that ate at Oregon’s heart was the fact that she couldn’t tell sweet Canada anything… friend or foe, another country was another country. There are no second chances in war.

“Alaska is watching outside. If North Korea comes back from the little ‘trip’ Nevada took him on to Wisconsin, we’ll know.” Oregon said calmly. Her eyes narrowed as she scanned a sheet of paper. “This! This is what Illinois was talking about!” she yelled, hopping to her feet and grabbing Canada’s collar in excitement. She let his go roughly and, clenched the paper. It had been exactly a week ago when the notorious mafia and gang states, California, New Jersey, New York, Illinois, and Michigan were given the okay to undertake a mission to find top secret plans North Korea had been carrying around. When Illinois had told Oregon of the document she’d learned about, Oregon was sent to retrieve it. She’s never thought it would be so simple.

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