Ch. 5 Suspicion and Awkward

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With New York~

“So…” New York murmured, finally glancing at her wrist. She sighed. No, she didn’t have a watch, but apparently people from the NYC have a strange power where they can tell time simply by looking at their wrist. (A/N: What can I say? It’s a gift ;3). “It’s three in the morning and they’re shutting down the casino. Guess we have to go back to the room now?”

Italy looked disappointed. “Already?” he questioned sullenly. Romano scowled. “She already said we have to!”

New York shrugged. “Really dun’ care, you know? I don’t need much sleep…still, if Georgia were here, she’d throw a fit. I better get to bed.”

New York watched as Italy whispered something to Romano. Suddenly, Italy smiled. “I need to get something in the back, bella. I think I left my wallet there. Help me find it, Romano.”

Romano nodded, waiting for any form of expression on New York’s face. Luckily she shrugged again. “Doesn’t matter to me. See you…whenever?” she said without a care. “Though if you barge into the room and wake me up, I will pound your faces into the ground? Clear?”

“Si~” Italy answered. He blushed. “G-Good night, bella.”

“Yeah…night.” New York said, glancing back at the door. She started off, waving goodbye to the two brothers. Something crossed her mind as she walked through the hall to the elevator. So strange things had happened during the night.


“New York, are you okay?” Italy asked looking genuinely concerned. New York nodded angrily. “Yeah, I’m fine. I just lost my wallet, though.” She muttered dryly. She rummaged through her black handbag. “Yeah…probably shouldn’t have bet that…I’m starting to remember why I banned gambling in my house.”

“Banned?” Romano asked. New York smiled bitterly. “I see people losing so much money and getting addicted, you know? Didn’t want to fall into the same trap. Of course, if you’re like Nevada you can handle it. Me…I’m no Nevada.”

Romano and Italy exchanged a look. “Really…well, who won the wallet off you, bella?” Italy said. New York began to start watching her partners more closely, feeling uncomfortable with their sudden questions. Normally, she simply wouldn’t answer. People always called her rude for it. Questions irritated her. Now…they just…frightened her?

New York scratched her head. “Dunno? Some guy? He’s in the back with his buddies. They’re probably spitting up their drinks and laughing their asses off right now!”

Romano frowned, and New York noticed a slightly dark look. “Hmm…the back? Okay. The night’s not over…do you want to keep gambling?”

“Yeah.” New York said, waving it off. “No point in coming if you’re not prepared to lose, right?”

~End Flashback

New York scratched her head. “Wonder what that was about?”

~With Kansas

“G-Good night, Nebraska! Belarus said she wants the lights out now, so…”

“I understand, Kansas.” Nebraska said grinning. “Sealand is fast asleep already. I think I’m going to stay up a bit longer. Sorry we didn’t get to eat dinner.”

Kansas folded her hands and held them to her legs. “No, that’s alright. The food here ain’t like home, anyway. I-“

“AMERICAN! What part of bed do you not understand!? Hurry up!”

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