Chapter Nineteen~ Beasts of Man

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“Do you remember your name, bella? I hate repeating myself.”

The former Empire State, New York, unsurely adjusted the strap of her backpack on her shoulder, grimacing slightly. “I’m not stupid. I’m sure I can remember my own name. Jackie Liberty Jones.” She remarked coldly, lowering her lashes dangerously over pale blue irises. The usual vividness of her eyes had dulled like her memories. A pounding sensation rocked her mind causing the young woman (eighteen in appearance) to clutch her head.

“Stop that! Suck it up and get going!” Feliciano (2p! Veneziano for those who don’t remember) snarled, giving the younger entity a rough shove. Jackie waved her hand with disregard, growling under her breath when the strange older man smirked. Who did this guy think he was: A stranger who seemed to think he commanded everything? She didn’t have the slightest idea who he was or where he came from, but she had woken up to find him by her side, peering at her with a twisted grin. For the time being, as Jackie couldn’t even remember who she was, he was all she had.

“I’ll be late for class.” Jackie murmured under her breath, beginning to leave the grassy patch of land in the city. From the corner of her eye, she saw Feliciano give her a psychotic grin. Jackie felt a shiver crawl along her skin and instinctively moved faster.

A cool breeze brushed against her ear. “Oh, and bella~”a heavily accented voice called after her. “Just remember… I’m always only a few feet away. Remember the name ‘Feliciano’.”

That was the breaking point. Jackie sprinted as quickly as she could away from the strange man and to the gates of her college, NYU.


“I… I don’t understand.” Georgia’s lips quivered as she spoke. Germany stared at the empty space that was Washington DC, eyes wide. “Your capital…” he began carefully, softly, in a tone that hopefully wouldn’t provoke the shaking Southern Belle clutching his shirt sleeve. “It’s… empty.”

Georgia gritted her teeth, clenching her right fist so tightly the veins are her hands bulged. “What the hell happened!?” she roared, releasing Germany’s sleeve and punching the closest tree to her. Germany inhaled sharply at the sight of the giant dent in the tree’s trunk, obvious and ugly like a battle scar.

“Why the hell is this happening!? Am I too weak!?.” Georgia’s fierce gaze landed on Germany, irises blazing. “Or because outsiders are on land! Is there no one you can trust!? I’m asking the world, what the hell happened--!?”

“Ich liebe dich.”

“You what!?”Georgia gasped as she was pulled into a tight hug. Germany peered down at her, gaze apologetic though he’d done nothing wrong. Georgia inhaled and exhaled deeply, feeling the rage in her system lessen. Her heart pounded angst the cage that was her chest. “You… damn it, you!” she whispered. “It’s not the time for this!”

Germany was about to respond, shutting his eyes as his face burned red. Georgia’s eyebrows furrowed and she bit her lip. “There’s someone I can trust.” She muttered before the words left Germany’s lips. Georgia gritted her teeth once more, realizing how her previous words may have stung.

“Look at this. This is just lovely!”

Germany growled inwardly. Georgia lifted her head to glare at the new arrival, hissing mentally as she realized that she and Germany were surrounded. Germany pulled Georgia closer as his gloved hands reached for his favorite weapon.

A man with crazed pink and blue eyes tossed the state of Massachusetts at the couple’s feet, face stretched in a smile extending from ear to ear. His laughed echoed around, not shared by anyone but himself in the circle of 2p! countries that shared the space.

“England.” Germany said, face twisted in a snarl.

“Arthur.” 2p! England corrected with a cluck. “I never did care for the title ‘England’. I much prefer ‘Great Britain’… but that’s for another day. The second player allies have all come to greet you. Welcome to the show, good friends!”

“I’m not friends with regular England… I don’t think I can handle his second player.”Germany’s gaze narrowed on Arthur as he grumbled under his breath.

Suddenly, Germany found himself face to face with a rifle. A wok slammed against the gun, rebounding off the barrel and flying back to its owner’s feet. Yao (2p! China) grimaced as he picked up his weapon. “Didn’t your savage grandfather teach you to speak up!?”he spat, resting the wok against his shoulder.

Germany blinked, but didn’t respond. “Grandfather?” he questioned in a low voice.

Francis (2p! France) sneered at Yao, removing the cigarette from his mouth. “Shut it, old man.” He growled. “The brat wouldn’t remember.”

A quiet laugh slithered into the air. Underneath Ivan’s(2p! Russia’s) arm was Bridget (2p! California). Ivan shielded her from harm silently, extending the metal faucet he always carried towards Germany and Georgia, face an emotionless mask. Bridget giggled, eyebrows furrowing. “You’re going to get it~” she sang.

Matthew (2p! Canada) frowned, lifting his hockey stick off his shoulder. “Hockey stick or chainsaw, Al?” he inquired, glancing at his brother from above his shades. Alfred (2p! USA) grinned viciously. “Chainsaw will be bloodier. Use that.” Al eyed Georgia with a smirk. “She’s already injured. Let’s put the lame out of their misery!”

Georgia held her rifle with a trembling grip, struggling to stand. The wound on her stomach appeared to be more serious than she’d expected as it caused her to slump over slightly. Germany moved her so she leaned against him for support, at the same time lifting Massachusetts limp body to be held on his shoulder.

(A/N: Et le finale de le première partie! And the final of part one!! Of this chapter that is! I’m going to get started on the Christmas special :D I hope you’re looking forward to it! I haven’t decided whether it should be a spoof or original [insert me in The Thinker pose; But with clothes]. Anyway, thanks for reading! More second player states and countries! )

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