Ch. 6 Don't Be a Bum! School Begins!

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(A/N: I thought I should just mention this now, since I’m not sure if everyone got this yet ;3 The main story, like the actual Hetalia which I do not own x3, focuses on three main characters, Georgia, Hawaii, and New York, or the All American Trio if you prefer. >:3 Though, just like in the original APH you’ll get a lot of other character’s points of view ^^  Like how APH revolves around the axis and the allies!)

~With America

“Dude…nobody’s here yet!” America complained, looking at the watch on his wrist. He was outside the school building, watching out for the states. He sighed. “They didn’t ditch him, did they? They wouldn’t do that…right?

Suddenly, America felt an eerie presence. He turned to stare into his boss’s irritated eyes. “Where are the states!? Where are the countries!?” The boss demanded an answer, shrewd eyes looking into to the parking lot. America put his hands up defensively. “I don’t know, man!”

“You left the hotel without them!?”

America frowned. “You made me get up early to do paperwork, remember?” he said, trying to save himself. It was the truth. America had been at the school since four in the morning, working on some stacks of paper the boss gave him. The boss scratched his chin. “Well, I guess I did! Get them here within the hour, America!”

America jumped, running to the other side of the school. He automatically flipped over and dialed the first number. He gave a depressed frown. Only forty-nine more numbers to call…

~ With Georgia

Georgia dusted off her skirt, admiring the uniform in the mirror. It was such a darling outfit in her eyes. Best of all, it had a skirt. She couldn’t wait to see New York’s face. The younger girl thought skirts were “impractical”. Georgia laughed out loud, knocking on the bathroom door.

“Germany, hun!” she called. “You done!? I’m all set to go!” A loud yell came from the other side of the door, but Georgia couldn’t really make out what was said. She smiled, taking that as a yes and backing away from the door. Suddenly her phone rang. She ran around the room, searching for her pocket book.  “Oh!” she groaned, unable to find the small clutch.

“Vhat are you looking for?” a voice asked, just as the phone stopped ringing. Georgia frowned, turning to Germany sullenly. “Just my phone! I can’t seem to find that thing anywhere! Oh, and my favorite bag, too! I guess I’ll have to look when we come back later!”

Germany nodded, pushing the cap over his hair. “I’ll drive.” He stated, pulling the keys off the dresser. Georgia didn’t protest, following the tall man out the room. She had to admit, it was a bit awkward to share a room with someone you just met. Don’t get any wrong ideas! There were two beds to every room, Georgia and New York had found that out the night before.

‘Poor, NY’ Georgia thought with amusement. She’s got two partners. I’ll have to ask her how that worked out.’

Locking the door to their room, Georgia followed Germany to the parking lot.

~With New York

New York dashed around the room, making sure she had everything. She hadn’t slept very much, and usually she was one of the first to wake up (since they’re personifications they need SOME sleep x3). She didn’t have lapses either. She was just as energetic at night as in the morning.

New York’s head snapped in the direction of a sudden sound. It was her phone. Brushing her hair behind her ears, she raced to the dresser and answered immediately. “Hello!?” she said, voice loud from her rushing. She’d been late, and she hated being late. The Italies took forever to wake up.

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