Ch.16~ A short Glimpse of the 2p! World

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“Whiney brat!” 2p! Georgia hissed under her breath as she slammed her rifle into a cowering 2p! New York. The Northern second player flew backwards, back impacting a brick wall with a sickening crunch. Crimson trickled from the corner of her lips, which were quivering, teeth chattering. “No more…” she moaned, pleaded. She raised her hands above her hands and curled herself into a ball. 2p! Georgia scowled, aiming her gun at the area between 2p! New York’s eyes. “Die, bitch.”

“Hey! Knock it off!”

2p! Georgia’s head instantly snapped around for her to glare at the interference. 2p! Hawaii stood with a hand pistol and a spear ready to murder 2p! Georgia. 2p! Georgia snorted. “You gon’ shoot me, or stand there and look ugly?”

2p! Hawaii didn’t respond verbally, but she lowered her head, crimson eyes gleaming with concentration. 2p! Georgia chuckled viciously. She leaned her head to the side, opening her lips, which were curled in a taunting smile, to speak. Suddenly, 2p! Georgia fell to her knees. She peered behind her.

2p! New York, laughing madly, tore the long-bladed knife out of 2p! Georgia’s back. “You turned your back, you turned your back~” the 2p! empire state sang, tears streaming from her eyes and onto her grinning lips. “Die nice and slow, nice and slow~”

2p! Hawaii breathed heavily. “I hate you both!” she snapped, turning only half-way. 2p! New York smiled kindly. “You hate everyone, Hawaii, dear. You should love more!”

“You’re one to talk! Too weak to kill people face to face, so you do it secretly! Poisons, killing them in their sleep, drugs!” 2p! Hawaii muttered under her breath. 2p! New York laughed maniacally. “I don’t like to fight. But killing is fine~ Besides… people frighten me so… seeing them writhe in pain is the only medicine I need.”

2p! Georgia screamed angrily. “Shut up! Come ‘ere!” She turned and grabbed 2p! New York by the hair. 2p! New York screamed, a high shrill as she was thrown onto the ground. She squirmed, crying and begging for mercy. “Friend, oh friend, you wouldn’t hurt me, would you?” she screamed. 2p! Georgia spat on her ally. “You’ll murder me the second I look away.” She snarled, stepping viciously on 2p! New York’s hand. 2p! Hawaii reached into her pocket, removing a cigarette and lighting it before putting it in her mouth. “I hate them all.” She murmured.

“Silence all of you!”

The 2p! All American Trio turned their heads to stare at the intruder. 2p! Japan stood in the doorway. His lips curled into a snarl. “Stop fighting! Hawaii… you are to come with me… we have a mission.”

2p! Hawaii puffed her cigarette. “I’m not going anywhere with you.”

2p! Japan’s eyes gleamed. “You’ll regret those words soon.”

“You hate me.”

“I never said I hate you. Your bitter hatred of everyone is what brings you to think that! Now shut up and listen!” 2p! Japan hissed. He grabbed 2p! Hawaii’s hand, leading her out of the room. 2p! Georgia and 2p! New York glared at each other (well… Georgia glared… NY stared). 2p! Georgia’s eyebrows furrowed. “A truce.”

2p! New York nodded quickly, smiling gratefully. “A truce!” Behind her back she crossed her fingers. 2p! Georgia tilted her head and grinned, a sick twisted turn of her lips. 2p! New York smiled sweetly.

This is the 2p! All American Trio.


(A/N: Short transition chapter! You got a glimpse at the 2p! All American Trio... in short, here are what they are like (not actually short).

2p!Georgia~  She hates her family and prefers foreigners, where as the original Georgia is family-oriented. She can’t cook, and absolutely hates fried food, and sometimes eating all together. Because of this, she is a bit bonier than Georgia, but not to the point of looking anorexic. Her hair is a paler blonde and she wears the confederate uniform from the civil war. Though she bares the uniform, she doesn’t care about race. She wears it only to aggravate 2p! NY. She is unfeeling, arrogant, and almost impossible to get along with. She hates heat and the sun and sometimes wishes she were born in the cold like Russia. She detests America with all her heart and hates remembering the Civil War because she hates the thought o losing to 2p! New York. She doesn’t care for anyone and kills quickly. She always irritated, so it doesn’t take much to start a killing spree. She doesn’t like 2p! Hawaii, though she hates 2p! New York. She wants to kill them both, but refuses to work hard and plan out their deaths. She is very unsympathetic.

2p! New York~ She is frightened by many things including people, dogs, the Italies, foreign foods, dark colors, thunderstorms, and crowded spaces. In fact, she’s claustrophobic at times. Unlike the original New York, 2p! New York is in incredibly lazy and unwillingly to do any type of tedious labor, believing it’s a man’s job. She is physically weak and hates fighting. She’s very girly, and loves all things pink and fluffy.  She can be found taking long naps when given the opportunity. She’s very sweet and polite, cowardly, and pessimistic. She has no power to stop people from hurting her. However, she is a sneaky killer. She usually kills and harms people when she sees an opportunity and they are in a moment of weakness (when they are sick, sleeping, injured, unguarded, etc), and her ability to spot weaknesses makes up for some of her lack of physical strength. She dreads foreigners especially, so Italy and Romano’s affections horrify her (not to mention their 2p!s scare her).

2p! Hawaii~ She’s pessimistic and untrustworthy. She hates everyone, but especially hates America and the other states. She also dreads foreigners. She’s closed herself off to others and speaks only to a set few. She can be very loud when extremely angry. She is very active, where as the original Hawaii enjoyed leisure time and sleeping and eating. 2p! Hawaii works non stop, hates socialization, and only eats to live. She can’t dance, and kills things for fun. She keeps to herself.

2p! All American Trio ->

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