Christmas Special~ Buon Natale! Feliz Navidad! ETC!

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Toris watched his boss wearily, wondering when it would be a good time to disturb him. Truthfully, Toris didn’t feel an ounce of guilt knowing he’d break his superior out of his train of thought.  Arthur Kirkland had to be the most greedy, ill-mannered, pain in the neck he’d ever met.

And still he didn’t hate him.

No, no matter how much Toris knew this man deserved to be hated, he simply couldn’t bring himself to feel any disgust toward him. Looking outside, Toris sighed. There was a beautiful frost edging on the window, white creeping along the clear glass. Outside people sang and ran around in the snow. Toris smiled. Maybe it was the spirit of Christmas that put him in such a caring mood? After all, the spirit of such a holiday lasts year ‘round.

Suddenly, a young man burst through the door, holding his hat to his head in his rush. “Hello and greetings from America!” Alfred, Arthur’s younger brother cried. Toris smiled kindly at the young man. “Merry Christmas, sir.” He said kindly.

Alfred grinned, glancing around hastily. “Ha-ha! Where is that old man!? Where’s my brother!? He’s too busy for his age, you know!”

Toris chuckled, nodding his head and the doors leading to another room. “He’s only 25.” He said humorously. Alfred had a special light, one that always shined through the wear and tear of the work place his brother created. Of course, much to Toris’s dismay, this display came around only once or twice a year. Once for Christmas, and the other some random date Alfred would choose (which Arthur hated to no end. He had a schedule, you know!)

Alfred muttered his thanks and advanced toward the door, putting a finger to his lips. He’d scare his old, stingy brother right out of his socks, for sure! As Alfred pounced on the door, he knocked it in and almost off its hinges. Arthur shot up from his desk, staring in horror at the broken door. Slowly, his dangerous gaze slid up to his brother’s face. Alfred sheepishly scratched his head.

“That wasn’t supposed to happen, ha~ Sorry, Iggy.” He muttered under his breath.

Arthur’s face turned a dark red. “Don’t call me that, you git! Why exactly did you trouble me by crossing the sea just to terrorize me! Honestly, I think your main goal is to knock me into debt, one door at a time!”

Alfred laughed, plopping down on a random chair. He caught wind of Arthur whispering a faint “bloody Americans” under his breath, but ignored it, too joyful to care. It was true, Arthur was born in England and Alfred was born in America (their mother was a British woman who married an American man. The couple had their first child~Arthur~ in Britain, while they had the second ~Alfred~ when they temporarily moved to America. They moved back and forth continuously. Once grown, Arthur stayed in England and Alfred stayed in America, the lands of their favor.), but Alfred made it a priority to visit Arthur at least once a year none the less.

Arthur narrowed his eyes and sat in his chair, glaring at Alfred. “So why are you really here, you wanker?” he questioned, leaning back and clasping his fingers together. Alfred’s gaze gradually became serious and he nodded. “Arthur, come spend Christmas with my family and me. We’re staying at a hotel.” Alfred smiled a bit, wearily at best. “Massie should be there… better yet, Meghan as you prefer to call her.”

Arthur blinked, covering his face with a black gloved hand. He sloppily tried to conceal his blush, glaring at the floor. “It’s been a while…how is she? I mean, is Meghan alright?  Ever since she became an American…” the title rolled off Arthur’s tongue with disgust. What was so great about America anyway? It was originally an English colony for pete’s sake! Did English pride mean anything to his acquaintances?

Alfred was now grinning fully. Arthur silently wished to wipe that smug grin off his younger brother’s face. “You’ll have to come and find out!” Alfred clucked. Arthur slammed his hands on the table. “Out.” He said through grit teeth, eyes shining dangerously. Alfred raised his hands defensively. “I understand, Iggy. You don’t like Christmas, I know. Still, my best wishes to you for the season!” he countered.

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