Ch. 18 Part Dos) Annihilation

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Hawaii groaned inwardly, staring menacingly as a small beam of light that had invaded her dark cell. The ancient frame of the door creaked as it was opened wider, revealing a lingering figure.

Hawaii shifted carefully, clenching her teeth in an attempt to ignore the pain that coursed through her side. She squinted, focusing on the stranger as they slunk forward, gradually coming closer. The door latched shut.

The darkness engulfed room felt sufficiently smaller, as if only a broken Hawaii and the newcomer existed within it. Hawaii slid one reassuring hand over Japan’s shoulder, squeezing it gently. She tensed, seeing a gaze of blue lightning staring at her intently. The stranger’s eyes narrowed. “Hello, Hawaii…” A wary female voice began.

Hawaii’s heart rebounded against her chest at the familiar sound. She bit her lip, breaking the skin. She closed her eyes as blood drizzled down her chin. “New York?” she breathed.

A light-hearted chuckle. “Yes… it’s me. How are you feeling?”

Hawaii’s eyes snapped open and she stared at the woman in front of her. Burning tears collected in the corners of the younger state’s eyes as she extended one chained hand to hold her friend’s. Hawaii felt herself smile as New York gripped her hand. The older woman could be heard moving around the bars outside the cell.

With a sudden jolt, the harsh sound of metal grinding concrete rang throughout the damp underground, signaling freedom. Hawaii scrambled to her feet as New York unlocked the chains.

New York’s lips spread into a smile. “Come on, we have to get you out of here! I know where the other states are. We can tell D.C and all will be well. We can go back to the way things were.” She urged in a particularly soft voice.

Hawaii raised an eyebrow despite her own grin. “My gosh~ Stress has made your voice so soft! It must have been difficult getting here… how did you do it anyway?” Hawaii paused, glancing at Japan despite the blackness. She sighed. “Japan needs medical attention. Hopefully Florida can help him.”

New York inhaled sharply, shaking her head immediately. “No one can know I helped you. Thank goodness he’s unconscious. No one can know I was here, understand?” New York advanced strictly, grabbing Hawaii’s shoulders and digging her nails in. Hawaii shoved the older state away, giving her a shocked stare.

“I understand!” she exclaimed, eyebrows furrowing deeply. “I don’t need any more scars on me. Gosh, calm down!” She gingerly tapped where New York had dug her nails in with one finger, flinching as a twinge of pain ate at her shoulder. She glared at New York, who had already exited the room. What had gotten into the Empire State? She’d never been so aggressive towards friends… Had pressure finally crushed her?

“Excuse me, dear? Can you hurry up? They’ll see us if we don’t leave soon!”

Hawaii  hesitantly followed New York’s voice, cringing at how suddenly it had become serene and quiet as before. Hawaii halted. A thought crawled into the depths of her mind, causing her to clench her fist. This was not her friend.

A second player?

Turning on her heel, Hawaii returned to the cell and removed Japan’s katana from the ground. She returned to the surface, slowly approaching the 2p! from behind. Boldly, she raised the sword and hauled it down with all her strength where 2p! NY stood. Hawaii was forced downward, hunched over after missing her target.

“I guess you’re swifter than I thought. It’s a shame. We were so close… the door is only a few feet away. You could have kept calm and followed me. I wouldn’t have hurt you.”

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