Ch. 4 The Hotel, The Cash, and the Driver with a Phobia

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(A/N: I own nothing but the states and Mexico/ Puerto Rico when they appear in this fic! If I do own a country, I'll say so <3 Humans are also mine!)

(A/N: Let’s start with a shy little friendly character called <3 KANSAS! And her friends <3)

~With Kansas and her partner, Belarus

Kansas toyed with the ends of her dress, trying to start a conversation with Belarus. She opened her mouth ready to comment are her partner’s dress, but the look Belarus gave her quickly ended that idea. They were outside the hotel at night, waiting for the other states to arrive. They didn’t have to wait if course, but Kansas couldn’t help it. Nebraska wasn’t there yet…he was her best friend.

Kansas smiled at the memory. They were one back in the civil war days. That time itself was terrible, but the memories of Nebraska were unforgettable. She was scared of the other states back then. They were foreign and some of them were so loud and bold. Eventually, she decided she was ready to come out and be her own person. Nebraska didn’t stop her. He applauded her. He encouraged her.

Belarus saw Kansas smiling and scowled. “What are you doing, stupid American!?” she demanded. Kansas blushed. “J-Jus’ thinkin’.” She replied head down. “Y-You know? People always got somethin’ on their mind. What’re you thinkin’, Ms. Belarus?”

Belarus frowned. “Why isn’t your friend here yet!? I want to go inside and find Russia!...” She paused, her gaze turning icy. “You’re trying to keep me from Russia! Being polite and calling me ‘miss’! You witch!”

Kansas shook her head desperately, her hands in front of her as if each word was a rock being thrown at her. “Now, Ms. Belarus, I don’t even know Mr. Russia! I’m sure you to will have a h-happy future…though, I thought he was your brother? That ain’t right…”


“Waaaahhhh~ Don’t hurt me, ma’am! Didn’t mean nothin’ by it!”

Kansas watched as Belarus calmed down and sighed. Now where was Nebraska? Didn’t he care?

~With Nebraska

“NOW YA’LL CALM DOWN, KEEP YOUR EYES STRAIGHT, AND GET ME TO THAT DANG HOTEL!” Nebraska shouted at the driver, his patience growing thin. The driver tightened her grip on the steering wheel, sweating and turning the wheel slowly.

“I can’t!” she sobbed. “I didn’t want to be a taxi-driver! I’m afraid of the road and driving! It’s a PHOBIA! Ma said she could cure me! She didn’t tell me she’d kill me!”

Nebraska looked to Sealand, his partner, who was fast asleep on the limo seats. Nebraska wondered how someone that small and fragile could sleep through all this yelling and sudden stops. He sighed.

“Look…” Nebraska said calmly, breathing steady. “I NEED to get back to Kansas. She starts to panic when I’m not around!”

“Why didn’t you go with her then!?”

“No space! Why are limos so long and so useless!? You Northerners got one hell of an ego! In the Mid-Sates, we have REAL cars! Ones that are useful and hold MANY people! What good is a car that holds only four!?”” Nebraska spat, checking his phone. He frowned. Had Kansas forgotten she owned one? That girl was always forgetting. You could even say she was an air-head. It didn’t matter to him (except when it involved something important). She was someone dear to him.

Groaning and flopping down next to Sealand, Nebraska smacked the young boy’s head. Sealand shot up and looked around. “What happened? Did Britain hit me!?” he questioned innocently.

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