Chapter Twenty~

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  • Dedicated to My Readers :)

A/N: Ima be lazy and dedicate this to every one of the readers! Thanks for reading! :)

And I know you're going to hate me after this chapter...and hate me more when you hear the announcement after this chapter... -_-'

-Chapter Twenty-

-Firo’s POV-

When I saw Ciel being taken into a car I instantly ran towards the building to meet up with an already alert Kendal.

“What the fuck happened?” Kendal demanded with a growl turning to me.

“Someone took Ciel,” I answered.

“I mean where the fuck were you?!” Kendal shouted pushing me back into a wall. “You’re his fucking partner and you couldn’t stop them?!”

“They threw him into a car and I’m not allowed to show my powers to any human,” I answered gritting my teeth. “I have restrictions, you as a shadow are allowed to do anything to protect your demon. I can’t! Not even for my partner...”

“Fuck that!” He snarled throwing me against the wall and I let him as he stomped out to the outside and I followed when we were outside he was pushing through people without a care in the world and I swiftly moved through the crowd before we were at his car and he climbed in, in no time as the car roared to life I got in and we were speeding out the the school in seconds nearly crashing a few of the school staff that is supposed to stop you from leaving the school grounds.

“Where the fuck are you going?” I demanded.

“You might not feel where he is because you haven’t mated, but I’m linked to him and I know where he is,” he said curtly. I said nothing as I suddenly decided to make the car die from under us. “What the fuck did you do?!”

“Get out,” I ordered as I opened the door and slammed it close, there were no cars around so I threw off my shirt letting my wings sprout and Kendal quickly caught on throwing off his own shirt before we were in the air and he was leading the way. It couldn’t have been more than an hour when he stopped.

“Are we here?” I asked unsure of the location we were at.

“He disappeared,” he said hoarsely. “I can’t feel our link.”

“Was it cut?” I asked.

“No.” He shook his head. “It’s there, but I can’t feel it. Our link can’t be broken by anything. If anything it can be dimmed.”

“Fuck me,” I growled making my way over the landscape looking for hours until a scent appeared and I rushed towards it finding blood on the dirt in the middle of the forest. It was more than familiar as I bend down and admired it before drinking in the scent, there was only one person with blood that sickly sweet. I growled at the thought of someone hurting Ciel, the blood couldn’t be more than a few hours old. Kendal was already ahead of me finding the scent and following it at ease and in a rush. We were running for a while before I halted and so did Kendal.

“We’re heading towards the-”

“Council,” Kendal finished dryly. “What the hell does the council have to do with this?!”

“What fucking right do they have taking Ciel?!” I growled as rushed to the familiar building bursting through the doors, just then I held a scream that made me run down the hallway. Our powers were weakened in here, but I could still recognize Ciel’s voice as I made my way down the narrow hallway and just before I reached the door I fell the my knees. Something was hurting, there was something wrong. Dead wrong with what was happening here. I could still feel Ciel bonded with me, but there was a problem. I felt like I was never going to see him again. This bothered me. I felt like I had been rejected my right to see my partner.

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