Chapter Eleven~

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"its amazing, one of my favourite books :D feels sorry for ciel :( <3" -Lickle_Penguin

Since it was your first comment I was like "Gee someone new cared enough to comment. Maybe I should do something nice." And so I did! I dedicated this to you! :D

And yeah, I feel bad for Ciel, too. :(

-Chapter Eleven-

-A Firo/Fray POV-

It had been a while since I’d seen Ciel. To be exact it had been a week and five hours with some minutes and counting. I knew where he was, his parents had told me where it was that his uncles Hunter and Zack would have taken him. But I knew Ciel didn’t want to see me anytime soon. Maybe he was disgusted with me. We being partners and all I never thought he would have rejected me so openly, didn’t he feel the slightest thing for me?

“Fray, you’re not paying attention again,” Chris said with a sigh. “We’ve suppose to be working on our project, you know?”

“What?” I frowned. “What project?”

“The one I told you about twenty seconds ago,” he answered with a glare. “You weren’t listening, were you?”

“No,” I answered honestly.

He went back to ranting about whatever it was that he was ranting about and I let my eyes avert to the window of the classroom. It had been raining nonstop for a while now and people were doubting it would stop. There were times when it did, but the clouds remained above. They refused to disperse.

“Okay, what the hell is up your ass that you’re not listening to me?” Chris demanded irritated as he stood in front of me letting his face hover over mine.

“Ciel, hasn’t been around school has he?” I asked.

“This is about him?” He glowered down at the counter.

“I haven’t seen him since the night I told him,” I said lowly, it was almost not there.

“Wait! He went to your house?” He probed.

“Yes, I told him to go and even went to pick him up. I wasn’t about to let him ditch me, but he tried.” I sighed, in the end it hadn’t gone well. The memory of him running out of there and the way he looked at me with those uncertain eyes. Like he didn’t want to see me. Something about that really stung.

When my parents had cared to tell me he was my partner I was stunned by the fact that I hadn’t really been aware of that until that moment. I suppose I had subconsciously known that he was, but the thought itself had never crossed my mind.

“So why are you hung up on Ciel?” Chris demanded, the way he said it informed me that it wasn’t the first time he had asked in the last few minutes.

“He’s my partner,” I said a bit hoarsely. At first Chris didn’t say a word and then he seemed to have something to say, but he didn’t say it aloud, he remained silent. I didn’t want his pity words so I returned to silence.

While on my way to English with Chris alongside me I caught sight of someone familar and ran after them leaving Chris to fed for himself. For a second when I ran around the corner I thought that perhaps I had lost him until he came around and looked dead at me.

“What do you want?” Kendal demanded.

“I want to know if Ciel’s okay,” I said raising my eyes to meet his.

“No,” he said shaking his head slightly. “He’s not, but he’s acting like it.”

“What do you mean?” I frowned, why would Ciel have to act?

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