Chapter Fifteen~

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"Its really really know when i saw the heading i was like meh but when i read it i was really into it so can you upload soon can't wait to read what happens next" -Vivviy

Well it's nice to know my heading sucked... -_-'

Ha ha, don't worry, I know it sucked. :)

I just hope people feel bad enough for me that they'll read it. :D

And because you did...I guess I could dedicate this one to you! ^ ^

"Boo. Why can't they just get together! Stupid cam and Chris! We should like kidnap them and then sell them to a whore house! Urgh! They are so annoying!! but loved the update! I want more!!!!" -CM_AloneNow

Whore house? Why does that sound so appealing to me? :/

*Turns to Cam and Chris...* Whore house, huh? >:)

-Chapter Fifteen-

The rest of the day I was with Cam and Kendal. Cam was all smiles and sunshine, but Kendal was the complete opposite. He looked just as bummed out as I felt on the inside and I wanted to ask him why he was like that, but something told me I wouldn't like the answer to that question. I had felt Firo's glare on me more than once since our "fight" and every time I turned to meet the glaze there he would be just glaring openly at me with Chris by his side.

"Ciel, are you okay?" Cam asked with a worried expression.

"Yeah," I said plastering a smile on my face.

"Ciel, can I talk to you in the hallway?" Kendal said all of a sudden breaking the silent blanket that had fallen over him hours ago

"Sure," I answered a bit too happy. He stood and walked out and I followed telling Cam that I would be back soon before having to run to catch up with Kendal. "What's up?"

"Why are you lying to yourself?" He growled.

"What are you ta-"

"We both know you're not fine," he retorted. "Even with that expertly plastered smile. I can feel everything you do. I know what it is you're going through and I hate this feeling."

"What are you talking about?! Feeling what I feel?" I gaped at him.

"Do you not understand what a Shadow is?" He demanded. "I'm just like you in some perspectives. I'm an imprint of you, I was given to you therefore I was put on this Earth to feel as you and understand you when no one else does!"

I remained stunned into silence.

"Why are you pulling away from what you want?" He pressed. "I can feel what it is you want and that you don't really like Cam in that way. Why are you lying to yourself?"

"Because I can't stand Firo," I answered timidly.

"We both know that you have feelings for Fray."

"I can't stand it," I exclaimed. "Sometimes he seems like a great guy, but other times he's just...not. And he has Chris by his side! What does he need me for?! I hardly know him and Chris has been there for years, they're practically meant for each other!"

Kendal sighed before letting himself lean against a wall almost in defeat. "Will you honestly keep this facade going?"

"It's not a facade," I mumbled. "I'm going to move on."

"Fine," he gave in with a huff. "I see no point in reasoning with someone who refuses to be reasoned with, but I don't approve of your going out with Cam."

"I don't need for you to approve," I said a bit curtly and Kendal nodded before heading the opposite way, down the hallway and away from the cafeteria. I returned to Cam and he eyed me confused. "Kendal was feeling sick."

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