Chapter Seventeen~

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"HIGHER THAN A MOTHERFUCKER. ^u^ I'm so happy today. This chapter just made my day! I swear, you have to update soon! Fray licking Ciel? Kinky ;) Me likey! Lololol, just kidding! But yeah... really. I loved this chapter! ^.^" -KeepTheMusicPlaying

Ha ha, I could never pull something like that off! Fray licking Ciel sounds great...until you have me write it out for you. :)

Yay! I made your day! XD

"OMFG!!! upload or i kill you 0.0" -cookies13

Why? :O

I updated! See!? Because your comment opened my eyes, and since it was your first I was like, why not dedicate this to you? And I did! XD

-Chapter Seventeen-

-Kendal's POV-

"Kendal hang out with Alan while I'm gone!" Ciel ordered before pulling Fray away with him. Easier said than done, I thought as I turned to Alan.

"Um...hey?" I frowned not sure what it was I was supposed to say.

"Hey," he responded as he bit his lower lip. I had to stop from groaning out loud in frustration, I didn't have time to talk to him, not him of all people. "How've you been?"

"Do you care?" I growled angrily.

"Actually, I do."

"Yeah, right. Leave me alone."

"Why are you so mad? If anyone should be mad its me," he retorted.

"Why should you be mad?" I demanded losing my temper.

"You dumped me remember?!" He glared down at the dirt.

There was a stressing silence before I managed to say something rather hoarsely. "We weren't going anywhere, so it shouldn't bother you so much."

"It does," he answered in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Then...I can't help you there." I sighed in defeat. Of all people that I could have been left alone to wait for while Ciel went to suck face with Fray I did not want it to be my ex.

"You never told me why you did it," he probed. "Is it Ciel? Do you like him that much?"

"What are you talking about? I'm protecting Ciel." I rolled my eyes.

"Then why is it once he shows up you break up with me and drop everything you were doing, everything that had to do with me?" He pressed taking another step closer to me.

"Alan, can't you drop it?" I sighed.

"Why? Did I do something wrong?" He asked hoarsely. "I still wake up at night thinking I might have done something wrong to you, did I?"

I shook my head lightly. "Then what?" He demanded. "What happened? What did I do that pissed you off enough to drop me like a rock?"

I was about to scream at him that he did nothing wrong that that wasn't the problem and that the real problem was-

"Kendal, can you clean up here?" Fray asked as he passed by with a tight hold on Ciel.

"Umm, sure." I frowned. "Where are you taking Ciel?"

"Home," Fray answered.

"Don't worry about it Kendal, you don't have to clean anything up," Ciel called hiding a blush. "I'll be getting a ride with Firo today, so don't worry about me okay? Meanwhile hang out with Alan! He saved me today."

"Sure," I answered. Because it was what Ciel asked then I would have to do as he said and that included hanging out with Alan.

"So what are you now, Ciel's bus boy?" He demanded angrily. "Is that rich snob really better than me?"

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