Chapter five

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It saved my life again.

The thought kept on repeating in my mind all over again.

No matter how hard I try to sleep, I can't. Even to the point that my position looks like a pretzel. I got up and went to the kitchen.

"Why are you still awake?" I turn around and seen Stella. "You too." I raise an eyebrow and she roll her eyes. "You know you're having an interview by tomorrow." Stella says and I nod. "I know. I can't sleep again."

"Is it because of the necklace?"


She sighs, "You know you should move on. I can't just let that necklace bully you forever."

I drop the plate that I'm holding and I glare at Stella. "It saved my life!"

"So? You can't just live everyday thinking about it." She fights back.

"I don't care." I glare at her before walking away. I open my bedroom door and slam it shut.


I woke up by the sound of the chirping birds in my window. I groan as I get up and I didn't even bother to fix my bed because I'm just too lazy to do so.

I walk out of my bedroom and started looking for Stella. To my surprise, she's not here.

"Stella?" I call out for her name but she didn't respond. I continued looking for her but still....she's nowhere to be found.

We live near the sea area. There's a small dock near the shoreline that my dad built 2 years ago and that's where I found Stella sitting, enjoying the fresh breeze of the ocean.

I walk near her,"Hey."

She turn around and smiles at me. "How long have you been awake?"

She sighs, "I just want to enjoy the air and watch the sun as it rises."

"Okay then." I sat down beside her and joins her in watching the sunrise as well. "It's beautiful isn't it?" I look at her she nods yes. "It is." She replies.

"With regards to the necklace, how has it been there in your pocket?" She asks me and I sigh. "Weeks from now." I sigh as I look at the sun as it slowly rises. "Are you still planning to keep it?"

"Yeah. I'm even having second thoughts on whether I should look for the owner or not." I gave a small laugh and she nods.

"Stell, what do you about Zac? You know....our relationship." She looks at me, "Zac's a great guy to be honest. I don't know if that's how you perceive him."

"Compare him to Austin."

"No offense but.....Zac's so much better than Austin." Then she crosses her arms before looking at me. "What will you do if like....if ever there's a chance that Zac and I will get back together?"

She smiles, "I would be happy Ness. You guys were perfect together."

"Well then....I've got to go. I have an interview." I smile at her before standing up and walk away.

As I was taking a bath, the memories that Zac and I shared starts replaying in my mind. Zac and I were really happy. I don't know what made our relationship come to an end.

After taking a bath, I immediately change my clothes and after doing so I walk towards the driveway.

As usual, the necklace is in my bag. Although it saved my life many times, I barely wear it on public.

Upon arriving in the studio, a guy wearing a brown hoodie accidentally bumps into me.


"Excuse me miss I'm so sorry are you hurt?" He asks.



I roll my eyes before walking away. "Ness wait!!" He grabs my hand and I pull away. "I'm not in mood in talking to the guy who broke my heart." I glare at him and I simply walk towards the studio without looking back.

"Hi miss Hudgens." A man, whom I assume is one of the producers of the show, approach me with a smile. "So....your interview's in a minute. So you'll just stay here. Is that okay for you?" Then he gives me a chair to sit on.. "Yeah it's fine."

Then he walks away leaving me alone. I took out the necklace and I start to examine it again. Now I'm having second thoughts on whether I should wear it or not.

No. I'm not gonna wear it.

"Miss Hudgens!" The man earlier signals me to come. I took a deep breath before going near him.

"Are you ready?" He asks.

I took a deep breath again, "Ready."

"It's Vanessa Hudgens!" I heard someone calling my name. Then I walk out.

People were cheering, some were even shouting. I look at the crowd and seen Austin among them. Crap. If only I could do something so I can end this thing earlier.

"Hi." I smile at the interviewer as I sit down. "Looking good." She smiles.

"Thank you." I replied as I take a drink from the water that was provided. Then the interviewer started asking questions about what I'm currently doing and stuffs.

Here comes love life.

"So...who are you currently dating." The interviewer asks and I froze. "I'm currently single." I still managed to fake a smile and I didn't doubt it. I'm making sure that Austin will feel bad.

"So...any plans in going back to the love world?"

"I would love to if I'll find a guy who will really treat me the way I deserve to be treated." I look at the crowd, making sure that I looked at Austin, then back to the interviewer.

"Okay then."

The interview lasted for about 20 minutes. I don't know if you guys consider it as short, but I do. At least, it was rather going fast. Finally, I can escape Austin.

Now, all I have to do is to keep him out of my mind and most of all, my life permanently.

A/N: Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful fathers around the world!! :)

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