Chapter twenty-nine

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A/N: Look at how handsome Zac is at the cover ;)

V: Hey
Z: Ness? Ha! I knew you'd text me. :)
V: I'm bored.
Z: Do you know what's happening outside?
V: no why?
Z: come out

I did as what Zac told me to do. I quickly bunned my hair and went outside. I was expecting it to be romantic but....there was nothing. The neighborhood was completely quiet.

Personally, I was quite disappointed. Suddenly, a voice came out of nowhere.

"Hey." Out of the dark, came out Zac. "So you were here the whole time?" I asked him. "Well....10 minutes ago." He answered with a smirk.

Then an awkward moment of silence followed.

"Zac.....why are you always following me?" I asked him and he sighed. "Would you like to come with me?" He asked.


"Do you trust me?" He asked. "Yes." I answered. Then I followed him to his car and it was quite nice for him to open it for me.

"My lady." He said in his posh tone. "Why thank you." I replied in my posh tone and the two of us giggled. Just like the old days.

"Ready my lady?" He asked as soon as he was able to settle in his driver seat. "Yes." I replied with a smile. Then off we go.

As I was watching him drive, I noticed that he was wearing his lucky charm necklace. I suddenly remembered my dream and how real it looked to me.

"I can see that you're wearing it." I said referring to his necklace. He looked at it for a second before smiling. "Yeah. I always wear it." He replied and I faintly smiled.

"Zac?" I asked him.

"Yes Ness?" He replied.

I sighed and breathed for a moment. "Have you ever had this dream. Wherein you felt felt that it's so real? But the. You suddenly woke up. Breaking the entire moment." I replied struggling with my words.

He smiled. "I did once. You were in it too." He replied.

This is confusing me even more.

"Okay we're here." Zac said as he gets out of the car. I was about to open the door when he opened it for me. "It would be quite mean if you won't open the door for a queen." Zac said with a wink.

I smiled. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." I told him and he nodded.

As I go out, I realized that we were in a beach. It was such a perfect night because the sky was clear and lastly, it was just the two of us.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked him.

He smiles. "Here." He takes his necklace off and kisses me on the forehead.

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the very late update. I've been very busy lately. Right now actually, I have to write an article for our school newspaper. Hoping for your consideration. LOVE ya!!!

P.S. Please check out my new One Direction fanfic, Coming back for you. :)

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