Chapter one

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It's been a week now ever since Austin and I broke up.

Still a bit depressed but anyways, I'm fine now. Thanks to Ashley for helping me.

Today, I'm going to the Cannes Film Festival. Alone.

I don't know whether Ashley would go or something.

I have a feeling that I might go alone. But the problem is, what if Austin will be there? And I'm alone. I just hope that he won't.

I get up from my bed and I tie a knot on my hair. After doing so, I went to the kitchen and decided to make myself a cereal.

I'm currently alone in the hotel. I told my manager and my other team members to stay in another room. I just want some space and enjoy being single again.

After eating my breakfast, I decided to call Ashley. She's in Cannes but she's having this so called vacation with her boyfriend.

"Hello?" I heard her groan I guess someone just woke up. "Ashy!!" I know she hates to be called Ashy, but I'd call her that name anyways.

"What?" Her tone really sounds like she really just woke up. "Are you coming to festival?"

"No sorry."

My jaw hung open. "But why?"

"I'm going on a yacht trip with Chris this afternoon." She replied.

"Oh okay-" But before I could continue, Ashley hung up. How nice.

But anyways, I got up and turn on the TV set. I decided to watch some French TV shows even though I don't really understand French.

Then I heard the door open. "Ness....time to get ready." It's my manager.

"Okay! I'll be right up!" I turned off the TV and got up. I went to the bathroom to take a bath.


"Are you sure I look okay?" I ask my manager and he roll his eyes. "You look perfect!" He replied and I nod.

A few minutes later, we finally arrive at the venue. My heart started beating fast as I took my first step.

When I was finally on the red carpet, fans started creaming. Paps started calling for my name.

I posed on the red carpet and afterwards I signed some autograph for the fans.

As I was about to go to inside, something caught my eye.

There was a necklace lying on the floor in the entrance and I guess no one noticed that it was there. I walked towards and grabbed it.

When it was finally in my hands, I stared at it for a few seconds.

It's a beautiful necklace to be honest.

It is a raindrop shaped necklace with a tourmaline stone in the middle.

I looked around to see if someone saw me. I hope not.

I put it in my pocket and went inside.


The awarding for the best actress in a certain movie has just started and I'm nominated for my work in Gimme Shelter.

I'm nervous as hell. Plus I'm here alone.

I'm in a table with people around me whom I don't even know.

The other actresses who are nominated were Sandra Bullock, Kristen Bell and I forgot the other one.

I'm pretty sure they'll win.

"And the winner is....Vanessa Hudgens!" The announced announced and my jaw dropped. I can't believe it!!

I just won!!

I went to the stage and got the award.

I almost recognize everyone in the audience. Steven Spielberg, James Cameron and so many famous actors, actresses and film directors in the industry.

Seeing them makes me want to pee.

I don't even know what to say.


The festival has just finished and so far, I won two. Which was life changing.

My mom called to say congratulations and so did Ashley.

We were stuck in a traffic.

I got bored and decided to take out the necklace from my pocket. There's really something from the necklace that's catching my attention. And I don't know what it is. Maybe it's the fact that it's attractive

"Where did you get that?" My manager asked.

"I don't know. I just found it in the red carpet." I answered.

"Are you planning to return it?"

I sighed. "No."

"Oh." Then he nodded.

I'm having mixed feelings on whether I should return it or I'll find the owner.

Upon arriving at an intersection, our car is rear ended by a taxi forcing our car into the path of a truck in a t-bone collision.

We just had a car accident.


Right in front of me is my mother smiling right at me. She looked so beautiful and calm.

"Vanessa," she smiled, "time to go."

I wanted to speak but I couldn't. I really don't know why.



"Vanessa!" I heard someone calling my name but this time, it's no longer my mom. I open my eyes. Ashley stands right next to me with Christopher sleeping beside her.

I groan, "What happened?"

Ashley sighs, "Car accident. Lucky for you, you survived."

"Where's my manager?" I ask as I struggle to get up. Ashley looks at me and extends her arms and slowly pushes me back down. "You can't just get up right away!"

I nod.

Christopher groan as he wakes up. He looks at me, "Are you okay now Ness?" He asks.

"Yeah I'm fine."

He nods.

"And if you're asking where your manager is. He died and so is your bodyguard and your driver. You're the only survivor Ness." Ashley says.

I'm confused.

For whatever reason, I suddenly feel guilty.

"...And the doctors, found this in your pocket," Ashley gives me the necklace, "I guess it saved your life." She smiles as I stare at the bracelet.

"Who owns it anyways?" She asks.

"I really don't know."

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