Chapter nineteen

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I didn't waste time. I immediately stepped into the scene. "Zac?" He immediately turned around and his his phone in his pocket. I looked at him seriously, "Who were you talking to?" I asked him.

"Dylan." That doesn't sound like a convincing answer to me. It was obviously not Dylan. I pretended to believe him anyways. "Oh okay." I nodded and went back to the kitchen.

But the question was still in my mind. Who was he talking to? Like I said, it was obviously not Dylan.

"Ness, I have to go now. I'll pick you up at four!" I heard Zac said in a loud voice before I heard the door slammed shut.

Don't fool yourself with boys. I told myself.

"Ness? Are you okay?" I turn around to see Stella with a messy face. I wiped my swear off, "Yeah I'm fine." She nodded and continued doing her job. I immediately left the kitchen and went to my bedroom where I enjoyed having some privacy with myself.

Just then, I remembered the necklace. I grabbed my bag and to my surprise, it's still there! I smiled at my sight. This little pinkish thing saved my life, almost a month ago. But still, I don't know who owns it. But if ever I'll find the owner of this thing, I would thank that person.

Then I remembered Zac.

Oh stop it Ness. You're just making things worse. I hid the necklace in my drawer where some random things are kept so that people would barely find it.

"Still looking for that necklace's owner?" I turn around to see Ashley. I immediately ran up to her and hugged her. "I missed you!! How was Cannes?"

"It was perfect!" She exclaimed.

"So....back to my first question. Did you find the owner yet?" She asked and I nodded. "Nope."

"Okay. Tell me how's your love life." She sat down in my bed and I sat down beside her.

"Zac and I are back." I replied with a smile but her eyes widened as soon as I mentioned Zac. "You and Zac are back together?!" I nodded yes and she face palmed.

"Didn't you know that he's with Halston?!"

My eyes grew wide and I feel like my heart shattered into pieces. I didn't know what to say. I couldn't help myself but break down.

Ashley tapped my back before hugging me. That was when I cried unto her chest.

I trusted him. How can he not tell me that he's already with someone?

"You didn't know?" Ashley asked. "You know I'm not updated with what's going on." I replied back in a crying tone.

"What will you do now?" Ashley asked.

I stood up, "I'm gonna confront Zac about it and I'm gonna ask him why he didn't told me that he's already in a relationship with somebody else." Although Ashley grabbed my hand to stop me, I ignored her and immediately grabbed my phone.

I dialed Zac's number and after five rings, he finally answered.

"Hey babe what's-"

"Don't you dare call me babe!" I interrupted him.

"Why? What did I ever do to you?"

"Oh Zac don't try to act innocent in front of me! Why didn't you tell me that you were in a relationship with somebody else?!" Then silence filled the whole phone. I looked over to Ashley and she simply nodded.

"I-I'm sorry...." he replied in a teary tone.

"Is that all you have to say?? I trusted you again and all you have to give me back is bullsh*t!" I was shouting if you're asking.

Zac went silent.

"Bye Zac." I said before I hung up. I broke down and started crying as hell.

Ashley went near me and comforted me. "It's okay Ness. You'll get over it soon." She said in a soft voice.

I continued crying, "I still love him Ash. I still love him." I replied in a crying tone.

"Well then if you love him, why did you broke up with him in the first place?"

"I don't know."

A/N: Hey y'all!!Sorry for the late update. I'be been busy lately because I was assigned to play the piano for our recollection mass (which is tomorrow) and I'm super dooper nervous about it so yeah. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this one. :)

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